Chapter 21

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(I was getting bored so decided to write another chapter! Hope you like it!!)
It had been two weeks since Alex was banished from Wolf Town. I had been getting better and Jay had been even more possessive of me. He wouldnt even allow me to go out on my own fearing i would get kidnapped again.
The scars from the silver knife had been slowly healing. Oh and i forgot to mention! I am soon going to be a mom! I am pregnant and so excited! Cassie and Mike had a son and he is so cute! His name is Wilson Lawson. I love him to death!
Riley, Pamela and i had gotten a lot closer and now they are my best friends and my rock. I was in my room when Pamela came in.
"Someone is here to see Jay," Pamela said.
"Who?" I asked furtowing my eyebrows.
"Dont know. But its a family," she said.
"Wait i will ask Jay," i said and she nodded.
"Jay a family is here to see you," i said through the mate link.
"Did they say their name?"he asked.
"No Pamela came to tell me that someone is here to see you," i said.
"Ok little wolf. Come down then," Jay said.
"Ok big teddy," i said.
"He says he will meet them and has asked me to be with him," i said getting up from the bed.
"Easy there. You dont want anything to happen to your pup do you?" Pamela asked.
"You sound like a mother hen," i laughed.
We made our way downstairs and into the living room. There was a man and woman with who appeared to be their kids. The man looked awefully like Jay. I cleared my throat and they looked at me.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Ryan Dowell and this is my wife and mate Andrea," Ryan said.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"We came to see Jay," Andrea said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Who are they little wolf?" Jay asked.
"They say they want to see-
I had barely managed to finish the sentence when Andrea flunged herself at Jay. I held back a growl just because she had a mate and kids.
"Oh Jay! My baby!" Andrea cried.
"What do you mean? And get the hell of me," Jay growled.
Ryan growled back as Andrea stood beside him.
"Let us explain," Eyan said.
Jay nodded and pulled me close to him.
"You are our son Jay," Ryan said.
I gasped as did everyone else. Perhaps they are his real parents??!
"What do you mean?" Jay growled.
I rubbed his arm trying to soothe him.
"We are your real parents Jay. And these are you siblings," Andrea said.
I gasped. Jay had siblings! No wonder they all looked similar! Except the girl who looked like her mom.
"Oh really? How do i know?" Jay asked.
"Because you look like me," his dad said.
"They are telling the truth," Jay's adoptive dad said.
"So what are you doing here now?" Jay's voice was hard and cold.
"We came to get you," his dad said.
"What do you mean get me?"he asked.
"We are here to take you with us Jay," his mom said.
"So now you need me?" Jay asked.
"Well of course we do! You are our son!" Andrea exclaimed.
"So now you remember you had a son whom you gave up for adoption?" Jay scoffed.
"Dont talk to your mother like that!"his dad exclaimed.
"My mother? Do you know what the meaning of mother is? She is the person who looks after her children not give them up for adoption!!" Jay growled.
I wrapped my arms around him trying to calm him down.
"Look we made a mistake. We were very poor and didnt know what to do," his dad said.
"Yeah tight. Anything else?" Jay asked.
"Please Jay. Just listen to us. Your dad and i were cousins before we were mates and our pack didnt allow this kind of mating and banished us. We had nothing when we found out your mom was pregnant with you.
We were scared that you wouldnt have a normal healthy lifestyle like the other kids and so we gave you up for adoption," his dad said.
"Do you know how hard it was for me ince i found out that my parents werent my real parents? Do you have any idea what i went through?" Jay growled.
"No we dont. But we are here to remedy that. We want you to pack your things and move in with us. We could finally live together Jay," his dad said.
"You mean leave this pack?" Jay asked making me whimper.
I knew it would come to this. What if his parents didnt approve of me being Jay's mate? What about our baby?! He/she would grow without a father! I wasnt giving our baby up!
"Yes leave this pack. You could find a mate as well," his mom said.
"I already have a mate! And for your information my loyalty lies to this pack! To its Alpha and to its people! This has been my home since my childhood and i am not leaving my family!" Jay growled.
"But your siblings wants you to stay with them," his mom said.
"You cant use emotional stuff on me. Dont think for a second i would abandon this pack and come live with you. If you want you could visit me but i would never move in with you," Jay said.
"Is your decision final?"his dad asked.
"Yes," Jay said.
"Alpha may we visit Jay?"his dad asked.
Alpha William thought for a minute before saying, "Yes of course but which pack are you from?"
"Tranda Pack," Ryan said.
(Couldnt think of anything else so yeah)
"We are sorry Jay. If we could we would have never gave you up for adoption," his mom said.
"Please forgive them. They really had no choice," i said through the mate link.
"You do have a soft spot my little wolf," Jay said.
"I want them to know about our baby Jay. They would be so happy," i said.
I remembered when Mike found out that Cassie was pregnant we were all so happy and excited. Especially me.
"I guess i can forgive you. Afterall you did what you thought was right," Jay said and i smiled.
"Oh Jay! Thank you!his mom exclaimed hugging him.
Jay was stiff for a moment before hugging her back. I smiled at the reunion.
"Well i am going to get everybody a drink," i offered knowing Jay would want some alone time.
"And i have got work to do as well," Alpha William said quickly catching my move.
Riley and Pamela made some excuses about helping me and came with me to the kitchen.
"Here let me carry the tray," Riley said.
"Why?" I frowned.
"Jay would ho ballistic once he found out that your working in pregnancy," Pamela said.
"I am pregnant not disabled," i rolled my eyes.
"Ah come on! Reanne please," Riley said.
"Shoo go away and do your work," i giggled.
I suddenly felt my head swirl and the tray was taken out of my hand. I sat down on the floor and put my head on my hands.
"Told you you shouldnt work," Pamela scolded.
"It was just a minor headache," i said once i was all right.
"I dont know how you and Jay get along so well," Riley said making me narrow my eyes at her.
"He is possessive and you can be stubborn like now," Pamela grinned.
"Geez thanks a lot," i said sarcastically getting up.
We finally made our way back to the living room and i smiled looking at Jay conversing with his real family.
"Drinks everyone," i announced.
"Yes!"one of his brothers exclaimed.
"I was getting thirsty," another exclaimed.
I was about to sit when one of his brothers saaid, "Hey cutie. Whats your name? Do i get your number?"
I hid my smile just as Jay growled making everyone look at him.
"Whats the matter son?"his dad asked.
"She is my mate!" Jay growled his eyes turning black.
Uh oh. Time to calm him down. I got up from my chair and sat down next to him.
"Sh... i am all right," i said soothingly rubbing his arm.
Jay's eyes slowly returned to normal and i sighed relieved. He put his arm around me and nuzzled my neck feeling my scent. I blushed a crimson red.
"Jay! Not in front of your family!" I exclaimed.
Everyone laughed and i hid my face in his chest.
"You are good for my son. He is in capable hands. Whats your name?"his mom asked.
"Reanne Mrs. Dowell," i said.
"Call me Andrea. Mrs. Dowell makes me feel old," she said and everyone laughed.
They finally stood up to leave and Jay's dad handed him their contact numbers. I waved until they were out of sight.
"Wow never believed i could actually meet my real family," Jay said.
"Your parents are nice," i smiled.
"You think i am not?"he asked.
"I didnt say that!" I swatted his arm playfully.
"Mmm.... lets go to our room. I want to show you how much i love you," he said making me blush.
"I love you too Jay," i smiled.
P.S: Soooo.... FINALLY the last chapter of THE POSSESSIVE BETA!! After this there will be an epilogue. Can i get 5/10 votes on this chapter?

The Possessive Beta (Book 1) (EDITED AND REVISED)|| WATTYS2016Where stories live. Discover now