2 - Who's That Girl?

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Beca was running late to school but it was expected for her to be late by now. She drove her friends to school and listened to the endless complaints from Emily about the fact that they were late.

Beca got out of her car and made her way to homeroom.

"Mitchell, Conrad your late."

"Did you expect anything else?"

"Detention at lunch. Might be record time for you Mitchell. Now sit down while I hand out your timetables." Mr Smith never liked Beca and the feeling was mutual.

Beca was about to rest her head on the desk when she saw a redheaded girl enter the room.

"Sorry I'm late. I'm new, I have a late slip."

"Chloe, right? Unfortunately, you don't get to choose your desk so your left with the desk at the back next to Mitchell."

Chloe made her way to the desk at the back, noticing how the small brunette's eyes wouldn't stop following her.

"There goes Beca's next victim."

"Dude, shut up."

"We have a new student joining us while you complete your senior year. Chloe Beale. I expect you all to show her the ways of Northfield High and keep her out of trouble. That includes you Mitchell so it would be best if someone else showed you around today. Aubrey, I'm sure you can do that for me."

"Ugh, I'm sure Posen and Mr Smith have something going on."

"Mitchell, do you have something to share with the class."

Beca reaches in her bag.

"I have Sour Patch Kids but I was kinda saving them for lunch." Laughs are heard from around the room and Aubrey just rolls her eyes.

"Are you really trying to start your first day of senior year with two detentions?"

"I mean I'm not trying but I can't help it if it happens."

"Omg Beca do you ever keep your mouth shut?" Aubrey turned around and snapped.

"No, but funny since that's not what your sister was saying last week. Maybe sisters don't have the same taste or something, we all know who has the better taste."

"Mitchell, last warning. Same for you Posen. You can either just talk for the rest of class or work but I don't care either way. " Beca smirks and turns to Chloe who takes out one of her books.

"You know we don't actually have any work today since we haven't even had our first real class yet."

"I know but I need to catch up. My name is Chloe by the way, Chloe Beale."

"I'm Beca Mitchell." Beca takes Chloe's timetable and looks at the lessons. "You've not got the nicest teachers."

"Why is that? Because they don't like you?"

"You'll find not many teachers like me. Coach likes me and so does the music teacher. Maybe a few of the female teachers in the English department and one of the math teachers but that is it. I'm hated by the rest."

"Maybe if you tried in their lessons and didn't answer back. Now can you tell me where Miss White's class is."

"I'm also in her class so I'll take you." The bell rings and Aubrey walks towards the two girls.

"Mr Smith recommended I take her so I will."

"Don't torture the girl its only her first day."

"Shut up Mitchell." Aubrey drags Chloe away to their next class. Stacey, Beca, Emily and Jesse meet at their lockers before making their way to English which they all have together. Miss White is one of the only teachers that like Beca. Beca doesn't mind her classes since they actually involve things she likes sometimes. Only sometimes. But Beca doesn't mind reading but don't tell anyone that.

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