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A brown and white owl brought the letter, one week after the beginning of vacation. Meli was still unpacking her luggage and reorganizing her closet in a way that would make all her clothes fit.

She was deciding on asking her parents to make it bigger when the bird knocked on her window. She left the top she was holding on the floor and walked to the window. Meli didn't recognized the owl and let it in prudently. It flew to her desk and raised it's leg.

Meli took the letter and lay down on her bed.

Dear Meli,

It has been one week since i last saw you and i couldn't resist any longer to write to you.

I was wondering if you would join me in an afternoon i was planning to spend in muggle London. We could walk around the shops and eat at this charming little coffee place i know.

With hopes of seeing you soon,

Louis Mccartney

A smile made its way on Meli's face as she read the letter. It was simple and sweet. She hurriedly took a paper and wrote back that she absolutely enjoy spending an afternoon with the boy.

The day after, the owl knocked again on her window. Louis had written back, asking if the next day at 13 o'clock on King's Road, close to the coffee place he had mentioned was good. Meli answered it was perfect and that she couldn't wait to see him.

When Louis's owl flew out the window for a last time, Meli ran to her closet to shuffle through it. All her previous efforts is cleaning up her room were vain and soon, we couldn't see the floor under piece of clothes.

Jane. I need Jane, thought Meli. As if she heard the call, Jane hit the window of Meli's room and fell trough it, hitting her head against a lamp.

"Bloody bird didn't know where he was going" the girl groaned, a hand on her head.  "Hey, who's howl was that?"

"It's Louis'. Come, I need your help" immediately said Meli, gripping Jane's wrist and dragging her to the other end of the room. "I have a date"

"Oh Merlin. I've been waiting so long for this!" smiled Jane, already forgetting her pain. "It's with Louis, right?"

"Of course, who else?" asked Meli. Jade made a face that made her roll her eyes. "Please don't"

Jane shrugged and turned to the mass of fabrics stacked in Meli's walk-in. For about an hour, the two teenage girls made Meli try on a dozen of different outfits before deciding on one. Large high-wasted beige pants with a black corset and a white shirt. The weather was kind in England this summer.

Jade, smiling widely, made a twirl with her finger and Meli turned on herself.

"You look hot" approved the brunette before sitting on the floor, back against the wall of the closet. "I have to ask though..."

Meli slide down to face her, legs crossed, "What now?"

"Do your really want to go on a date with Louis or are you just doing it to get over Draco?"

"There's nothing to 'get over' because we were never a thing" said Meli. Jane gave her a 'don't bullshit me' look and the blond sighted. "I don't know. Im happy to go but i don't know if it's because of him or just the idea of going on a date"

Jade looked at ceiling and her lips twitched into a smile. "When Cedric asked me on our first date, I had butterflies in my stomach for the two days before and the whole week after"

"Trust me, I know. I was there" said Meli.

"Shut up, i'm talking" Jane hit Meli's knee with her foot. "All I could think about was him. Not where we would go or what shit I would buy. Just Cedric. And it was horribly awkward for the first ten minutes but then, I looked at him. And he was already looking at
me, smiling like I was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. He took my hand and it was perfect for the rest of the afternoon" Jane told the whole story with a dreamy expression. "You remember how I was when he dropped me off to the common room, right?"

Meli nodded. "You were in the clouds. You were actually so distracted that you almost fell two times and Draco carried you to our room"

"Exactly. Listen, i'm not saying your first date should be that way. But when it's finished ask yourself, could he make you feel the way Cedric makes me feel one day? Because you deserve it"

Meli stared at her friend and reached out to pull her into a hug. "That was too sweet. I'm afraid i'm gonna start puking hearts or something"

Jane squeezed her for a second and let go. Meli whispered. "Thank you"

"You're welcome hon" Jane said. She stood, forcing Meli up with her.

"Oh, why did you came here in the first place?" asked Meli.

Jane snapped her fingers and pointed her index to the other girl. "Right! I need back my hair thingy. Y'a know, the black pin or whatever"

Meli chuckled and went to her bathroom, getting out of it a moment later with the hair clip.

"Ah, thank you. Well, off I go! Try not to miss me too much in the next 24 hours" exclaimed Jane, already walking to the window.

"Won't be an issue" said Meli, smiling.

"You know you can't live without me" At that, Meli tried to protest but the other teen was gone, flying off with the last word.

Meli shook her head and got ready to go to sleep. While washing her teeth, she thought about what Jane had said.

The Slytherin found Cedric so easily. The moment they saw each other, their subconscious were probably already in love. They were perfectly happy since day one, completely in sinc with the other. When Jane talked about the Hufflepuff, her whole face lit up and her eyes shone. And when Cedric looked at Jane, it was like she was the only thing that mattered to him. Meli always felt a little uncomfortable watching them together, like she was intruding in a private moment.

The couple were her only exemple of a healthy relationship. Her parents sure loved each other but Meli felt like they mostly depended on the other. They were together because they didn't want to be alone in case Meli left too.

Meli never saw her sister's boyfriend. She knew how he looked like because of the posters students hang in their bedrooms or blurry pictures Elae took of him at a concert. She didn't know much about the way they were with each other so that was not a good relationship model either.

Finally, well, Hogwart couples either didn't last or they never actually got together. Take baby boy Weasley and Hermione know-it-all Granger. They've been pinning around each other since day one and everyone in the school knew about it except the two.

Meli spit in the bathroom sink and washed her toothbrush. She walked to her bed and fell asleep the instant her head touched the pillow.


A/N: THERE'S SO MANY READS WTF??? LIKE???HOW??? I mean, i know it's not much compared to other books but it's still rly fucking impressive to me.

I watched La La Land for the first time today and the last scene had me crying my eyes out.

I also watched Marie & Malcome and i highly recommend it because it's reaaaaaaally good.

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