Chapter 35

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After the battle with the wolf the group of agreed to meet up across town. David had ran ahead with Riley in his arms; while Raymond and Lyra followed on foot. Though faster than the average person, they couldn't exactly keep up with the speedy youngster.

"So that was a thing that just happened." Lyra said.

"Yeah just a day in the life. Though it's weird that a monster wasn't after me for once. It's just a shame that it was after a small girl." The half monkey said.

"Well that small girl sent that wolf back to where ever the hell it came from." Lyra said.

"No doubt about that, but still. They're kids. It sucks they have to grow up so fast, and live this life." Raymond said. Lyra was for her part was taken aback. Normally her companion was so carefree on an almost disturbing scale, but right here right now he wasn't amused by any of this. He sounded somber. It was almost like he wasn't talking about them.

"It's a good thing we were there." She said trying to assuage his worries.

"Yeah." Raymond said, Although he still wasn't happy about the situation.

From there the duo continued walking on in silence. Again odd, all things considered. Approaching the agreed upon meeting place the two saw David waiting for them outside. Climbing the stairs Raymond spoke up first.

"How's she doing?" He asked.

"She'll be fine. She just needs to sleep it off." The boy explained.

"You want to tell us what that was about?" Lyra asked.

"Not much to say. That wolf isn't the first thing that's come after us. It won't be the last." He said.

"Okay but why are their monsters after you?" Lyra pressed.

"I wish I knew. She doesn't know either, but they want her. Sometimes they stop. Then the next thing I know I'm running again. I have no problem with running from my problems, but it's not fair to her." He explained. His face and eyes had a haunted expression that aged him more than his sixteen years of life would suggest.

"You could come with us." Raymond said.

"We can't do that." Riley's voice sounded out.

"Hey you're supposed to be asleep." David said to the girl. The girl ignored her friend to regard their new ones.

"You already did enough today. I think whatever the two of you are up to is way more important than a couple of kids." She said with a small smile.

"Are you sure? Fighting monsters is nothing new for us." Raymond explained.

"How would you know what I got up to before I met you?" Lyra asked him with her arms crossed.

"The tooth necklace." He answered simply.

"Fair enough." She answered.

"It's fine guys. You're on your own journey. I feel bad enough having dragged David into it." She said giving the older boy a sad look.

"Don't worry about me kid. I'm not going anywhere." David said. She shot him a greatful smile.
The next day the group of four were standing by Lyra's motorcycle.

"Are you two going to be alright?" Raymond asked. He was still concerned.

"Yeah we'll be alright. Don't worry about us big guy." David said cracking a smile. After saying their goodbyes; David lifted the girl in a piggy back position and took off running.

"They'll be fine Raymond. They're tough kids. They look out for each other." The white haired girl told her companion.

"Yeah you're right." The half monkey said. Suddenly a big smile crossed his face. "Just like you and me. Two unlikely friends forced together by extenuating circumstances ready to take on the world together. Frought with danger's of all pantheons and Johnny Law in hot pursuit. It writes itself." In the middle of his speech, Raymond had slung on arm around her shoulder. When he finished she promptly grabbed his wrist and twisted it in a direction it wasn't meant to go.

"Okay that's still a work progress." He said with a grimace.


David and Riley were miles away from where they left their new friends. Stopping at a truck stop David said.

"Alright quick bathroom break. I'll buy us some stuff and we'll meet back up in five." The older of the two spoke.

"Sounds good." The girl promptly ran to the bathroom. David had grabbed a bunch of snacks and sodas for the road. Going to the check out to pay the boy went into his pocket for money. With eyes wide he pulled out the stack of bills he had stolen from Raymond, and given back. Somewhere in there farewells Raymond must of slipped him the money. David couldn't help the smile on his face. After paying for the food he met up with Riley.

"Alright you good?" He asked the girl.

"All ready." She said. Before the two could take off again a voice rang out.

"Excuse me." Turning to face the owner of the voice they were greeted by two men. One was huge, over eight feet tall. The other was a normal sized guy with red hair. Unease immediately flooded through their bodies. "The name's Felix, and my associate Big Ben." The guy said with a wave in Ben's direction.

"Um nice to meet you. Can we help you?" David asked.

"You sure can kid." Felix looked down at the girl. "Have we met before?" He asked the girl. "I'm usually good with faces, but you seem familiar. Can't quite put my finger on it." He said to them.

"Uh I'm not sure." David answered, but Felix shot him glare.

"Was I talking to you?" Felix asked his demeanor changing instantly.

Before anything more could be said. David scooped the girl up, and made a run for it. The two men watched as they took off.

"Eh it was probably nothing important. Come on Benny. We got bigger fish to fry, or should I say monkey to fry." Felix said with a toothy grin. Ben as usual said nothing.

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