Chapter 2

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After the previous breaking and entering, the cloaked person immediately fled from civilization. Seated in a tree we see the person reading the book he retrieved. Their hood was down no longer obscuring them from the view of the public.

The person was a young man in his early to mid twenties. He had sandy brown, unruly hair. His skin was a natural tan color. He also had thick side burns stopping at his jaw. The young guy seemed normal for all accounts except for two anomalies. His eyes, they were an unusual shade of golden yellow with light flecks of red in them.

What was more unusual than his eyes was the protrusion on his lower back. To the naked eye it would appear to be a furry belt. However a belt, it was not. The golden eyed youth had a long sandy brown tail. The same color as his hair. He usually has it tucked around his waist to keep from prying eyes, because the reality is people don't have tails. His brow was furrowed with concentration as his golden eyes scanned the pages.

"Ughhh!" He yelled out closing the book briefly. "This is soooo booorrring!" He continued to complain. Covering his eyes with his hand he let out a loud overdramatic sigh. With a groan he opened the book back up. Needless to say reading wasn't exactly his strong suit.

The tailed youth's legs were shaking up and down in a frenzied manner. Two things the youth truly despised was reading, and sitting still. However he persevered, and forced himself to stay in the tree. After two hours of reading, two minutes of banging his head on a tree, another five minutes of bandaging his head, and one more hour of reading, he finally found what he was looking for. The journal read as followed.

'Got a call today from this cat I know. He said there's this chick looking to hire someone for a job. Apparently she run's that club on the south side, called "Fire and Desire". I don't like working for people I don't know, but somebody has to put food on the table. I'm going to call him back have him set up a meeting. Hopefully the money is good.' The first journel entry read. With vigor renewed the youth with the tail continued his reading.

'I headed up to that club. As soon as I entered, I was immediately put off. Couldn't really put my finger on it, but there was something off, something wrong. It didn't matter though in the end. So I swallowed the unease and met with the owner.' It read.

'After I met the owner, I was able to figure out why I felt so uncomfortable. Usually under any circumstance I know how to keep a cool head. This though this was different. As soon as that broad walked through the door. There was something about her, something that put me on edge. On the surface she's just another broad, but underneath  something was there, something deadly. Every ounce of me said walk away, leave and never comeback. So why didn't I? Because she said quarter million, mama didn't raise no fool.' The tailed male's knuckles turned white reading the diary. With a deep breath, in through the nose out through the mouth he flipped to the next page.

'Easiest money I ever made. All she wanted was this sphere. Looked like a paperweight to me, but to each his own. Unfortunately things got a little dicey. After breaking into the house, the owner walked in at the wrong moment. We had a brief scuffle, she dug her nails into the side of my face. Needless to say I was pissed, and that's when I stabbed her in the gut. I wished it didn't end like that, but shit happens. This isn't the first time something like this happened probably won't be the last.'

"Bastard." The youth muttered. "Bastard!" He yelled out. His voice echoed throughout forest; birds left their trees, startled by the loud noise.

With all the force he could manage, the youth threw his fist at a tree. The wood splintered under his knuckles. With a loud crack the tree fell to the ground. Feeling refreshed from the previous outburst, he reluctantly picked up the book. There was only one entry left.

'I'm not a man of many regrets. I've done some shitty things, and have slept like a baby at night. I'm just not wired to feel remorse. Having said that I wish I never took that job. Every where I go I keep seeing things, horrible things. In the corner of my eye I see something following me, and right when I look it vanishes. At night I have horrible nightmares of it. This didn't happen until i killed that woman for the paper weight. I suspect I don't have much time left. This is just my karma; I'm not a stupid man. I always knew that one day I'd get what was coming to me. At least my kid will be set, if nothing else he won't have to live the same life I lead.' Those were the last words written in the journal. Closing the book, the tailed male headed toward the lone cabin.

"You're lucky. Lucky that whatever got you, got you, and not me. Fire and Desire's my next stop. Better get some rest before then." With that said he entered the lone cabin. For tomorrow would be quite eventful.

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