When Will You Get It Through Your Head?

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The next morning, I woke up beside my future husband.

I flip over cafefully so I don't wake him, and take a look at him. His perfect blue eyes are closed, his hair is a mess, and he is snoring slightly. He looks like an angel. God I can't wait to marry him.

I quietly get out of bed and head into the bathroom to take a shower.

I try to be as quiet as possible because I don't want to wake him.

As I'm preparing for my shower, I look down at my left hand. The ring Louis gave me is still there.

Its the perfect ring for me to be honest. A perfectly clear diamond in the shape of a heart. He did such a great job. He's going to be a wonderful husband. And hopefully, one day, a great father.

Once the water is warm, I step into the shower and begin to wash my hair. Once again, trying to be careful not to wake my angel of a fiance.

After I finally finish, I step out and dry myself off. After that, I walk back into the room, wrapped in my towel, and open my closet to pick out clothes for the day.

I open the door very carefully and begin to look at my options.

"You should just go like that for today." I hear a voice I know so well say behind me.

I turn around, and there he is. The perfect blue eyes staring into my blue eyes.

"Louis, don't be ridiculous. I'm putting on clothes whether you like it or not." I answer.

"Fine, I guess." Louis smirks.

I laugh as I continue to look at my options. Finally, I settle on a blue lacey tank top, jean shorts, and a pair of black TOMS.

I quickly go into the bathroom to put myself together.

After I finish minutes later, Louis greets me with a kiss.

"I never gave you a morning kiss future Mrs. Tommo."

"Why thank you Mr. Tommo, I gladly except the good morning kiss, even though it is late." I smirk.

Louis laughs before heading into the bathroom to get ready.

I walk out into the living room and see Harry, Kay, Niall, and Madeline all in there. Well, actually, Harry is making breakfast for everyone.

"Good morning Em! Breakfast is almost ready!" Harry cheers.

"Thanks Haz. Its so sweet of you to do this for us." I say.

"Its no trouble! Kay told me last night that she wanted some pancakes, so that's what I'm making for everyone!" Harry answers, not taking his eyes off the pancake cooker.

"As you can tell Emmaline, I'm very excited about breakfast!" Niall shouts.

"Really Niall? I never would've known!" I answer back sarcastically.

Everyone starts laughing. Just then, Louis comes into the room.

"Hey guys!" Louis shouts, a little too loudly.

"Hey!" Everyone shouts back.

"Breakfast is ready!" Harry shouts.

Just then, there's a knock at the door.

"Damnit, if that's Ashton again, I'll kick him where it counts!" I scream.

"I'll get it Em." Louis says as he steps in front of me.

Louis then opens the door, sure enough, there was Ashton with a dozen red roses.

"Emmaline! I brought you flowers!" Ashton shouts.

"Emmaline doesn't want your flowers, she's my girl." Louis answers coldly.

"Not for long!"

"SHE'S MINE!" Louis screams. It reminded me of when he screamed those exact words in One Direction's X-Factor days.

Louis and Ashton continue to scream at each other. I guess I have to step in now.


I hold up my left hand for him to see.

"Oh." Ashton says as he looks down at the ground.

"Ashton, I'm sorry this has caused you pain, but please listen to me. If you let me live my life the way I want to, we can be friends."

"I would like that a lot."

"Ok then, friends?" I put out my hand and Ashton shakes it.

"Here, these are for you friend." Ashton places the roses in my hand.

"Thank you. Now, would you like to join us for breakfast? Harry made pancakes."

I would love that, thank you."

I step aside and let Ashton enter the apartment. I figured the best way to get him to stop chasing after me was if I just suggested friendship between us. And you know what? I think it will work out well. 

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