Don't Forget Where You Belong-Home

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"And here we are." The real estate agent said as she opened up the door to the fifth home we had looked at today.
Louis and I stepped into the giant New York mansion.
"I love this Em." Louis says to me as we follow the agent around the house.
"The house has seven bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a backyard, a garden, a soccer field, two pools, one inside, one outside, and a hot tub." The agent explains.
"Did you hear that Em? A futbol field!" Louis exclaims.
"Yes I did Lou. How much is this house again?" I ask the agent.
"Ten million dollars." She replies.
"Sold." Louis exclaims.
"Louis." I warn.
"Yes love?"
"Don't you think we should talk about it first?"
"What is there to talk about? It has everything we want and then some."
"Yes, but please can we talk privately?" I ask.
"Fine." Louis answers before turning around the corner. "Ok, what?"
"First off, don't talk to me like that, and second, ten million dollars is a lot."
"Yes, but I want what's best for me, you, and Oakleigh."
"That's all fine and dandy, but I don't want the fans to think I'm with you for the money and fame."
"If they think that, then they're not true fans. I love you to pieces, along with our little miracle, whom we will get to meet in about four months."
"I love you too."
"So, can we please buy this house?"
"Yes. I'm in love with it, even though it's expensive."
"Good. Cause I have the check ready to go."
I laugh and roll my eyes as we walk back to the agent and Louis hands her the check.
"Congratulations! Here's the key to your new home!"
"Thank you so much!" Louis and I say together.
The agent has us return to her office and we fill out some paperwork. After that, we are free to go home, well back to the apartment I mean.
When we return, everyone is waiting to here the news.
Me and Lou tell them all about the house. Everyone seems excited except Liam. He doesn't seem as happy as he normally would be. Plus, I noticed Sophia was missing.
"This calls for pizza to celebrate!" Niall and Harry say jumping up and rushing to the phone to order pizza.
Louis and Zayn continue to talk about the house, while Madeline, Kay, and Perrie go into the kitchen and make a salad. Which leaves me and Liam.
"Is something wrong?" I finally say.
Liam begins to cry. I pat his hand.
"Oh Em. Sophia broke up with me this afternoon. She got mad at me, and kicked me put of the apartment. I have nowhere to go." Liam begins to cry even harder.
By this time, everyone heard the crying and comes back in.
"Well, you can stay in the apartment with us." I say. "The couch pulls out into a bed."
"And then, when Em and Louis move out within the next week, you can have their room." Harry says.
"Thank you guys so much. I just don't know where to go from here."
"Well, you can help us start moving our stuff tomorrow." Louis says.
"I would help you guys regardless of this." Liam says, starting to cheer up a bit.
Just then, there's a knock at the door.
"PIZZA!" Niall shouts and runs to answer it.
After the door is closed and Niall, with about six pizzas in hand, closes the door, we all sit down to eat.
After everyone finishes eating, we all hang around in the living room for a while until about midnight, and then Zayn and Perrie leave.
Harry and Niall help Liam get the couch folded out while Louis grabs some sheets.
While the four idiots are trying to figure out how to make the bed, I take Madeline and Kay into the other room.
"I have an idea." I say.
"What is it?" They ask in unison.
"Madeline, how about you call up your friend Ashley and see if she wants to come help me and Louis move tomorrow?"
"Why would she want to do that?" Madeline asks.
"Because I think Liam needs to meet someone like her. Plus, she's had a crush on him for forever now." I explain.
"Oh my gosh yes! I'll go call her!" Madeline squeals as she takes her phone into the bathroom and calls Ashley.
Me and Kay head out to see how the boys are doing. Why did we ever leave them alone?
It went from making a bed for Liam, to a pillow fight.
Louis is beating up Liam and Harry with pillows, while Niall is in the kitchen, heating up leftover pizza.
Louis drops the pillows, Liam and Harry stand up, and Niall drops the pizza pan.
"Son of a bitch! There goes my pizza!" Niall whines.
Everyone else laughs at his misfortune.
Madeline comes back  into the room.
"The plan is all set for tomorrow."
"Thanks." I say.
Madeline and Kay end up making Liam's bed for him. After that, everyone else goes to sleep.
As I lay in bed, next to Louis, I'm praying tomorrow will be a good day for Liam. I'm praying Ashley is the one for him.

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