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(One Month Later)

"You can do this." I whisper to myself as I walk into the airport with Madeline and Kay. Today was the day that Louis was coming home. And the day he would finally know.

"Flight 19 is exiting now." An airport employee calls out on the speaker.

My heart sinks. That's Louis' flight.

I'm standing there, frozen while Kay and Madeline take off running into the arms of their men. I stand there, covering my belly with my large coat. I don't want Louis to see just yet.

I start to move over to Louis. He sees me and makes a run for me.

When he reaches me, he hugs me and kisses me. His hand goes to my belly. His eyes get wide. He pushes the coat out of the way and looks at me.

"Emmaline? Is there something you need to tell me?" Louis asks.

"Kind of. Louis, I'm pregnant."

"Em! When did you find out?"

"I found out the day you left."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asks.

"Well, I didn't really want to tell you over the phone. And I've been so afraid that you will leave me because of this."

"Emmaline Marie Houston! Don't think for a minute that I plan on leaving you! I love you! And our unborn son or daughter." Louis kisses me passionately.


"Yes Lou?"

"Do we know what the baby is yet?"

"Actually, no. I have an appointment to find that out in about three hours." I smile.

"Good. Wow. We have a lot of people to tell." Louis says laughing.

"Actually, you just need to tell the guys. All of our families know already."

"Then how come I couldn't know?"

"Because I wanted to tell you myself." I laugh.

"GUYS!!!" Louis shouts back to the boys. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" Louis then pulls me into view for everyone to see.

The other four boys get a look of surprise on their faces.

"Surprise!" I finally say.

Then, they all come over to me and hug me.

"Wow. Who would've thought that Louis would become a parent first." Liam chuckles.

"How about we all go out to lunch? I'm starving!" Niall says.

"Sure. I'm hungry too." I respond.

We all leave the airport and head out to lunch.

We all arrive to Pizza Hut at the same time. We all get out of our cars and head inside.

"Table for ten please." Madeline says to the waitress.

"Sure thing. Right this way!" The waitress says as she turns around and leads us to a giant table.

We all sit down as she takes out drink orders and heads us menus.

Together, all ten of us, Perrie and Sophia were there too, all decide what we want.

Moments later, the waitress returns with everyone's drinks and takes our large order of five different pizzas.

After the waitress leaves, everyone brings their focus back to me and Louis.

"So, Emmaline, do you already know the gender?" Perrie asks.

"We are actually going to find out today. I have a doctors appointment later today."

"That sounds exciting!" Sophia chimes in.

"I couldn't be more excited!" Louis gushes. "This was the best surprise to come home to!"

I smile. I'm so happy that Louis is happy. I've never seen him smile so much in his life. And he can't take his eyes off of me. Or his arms off of me. He's very protective, which I don't mind. And I know he's going to spoil his son or daughter rotten. I just can't wait to find out what it is.

Well, we shall find out soon enough.

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