Now That You Can't Have Me, You Suddenly Want Me?

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(Emmaline's P.O.V)

It was just a typical Friday night at the apartment. Me, Kay, Madeline, Louis, Harry, and Niall were all seated in the living area, surrounding the board game in front of us on the coffee table. Snacks everywhere, which pleased Niall.

We were all together enjoying a game of monopoly, when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I say jumping up.

I walk over to the door and open it, thinking its either Zayn and Perrie, or Liam and Sophia.

But, it wasn't either of them.

Instead, it was a boy with brown hair, hazel eyes, and dimples who I used to know and love so much.

"Emmaline." Ashton says, breathless.

"What do you want?" I snap at him.

"Em, I wanted to see your beautiful face again, tell you I'm sorry, and win you back."

"Ash, you broke my heart, and I have someone new now. Please go."

"Emmaline, you don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you, hug you, and for god sakes, wake up next to you. I love you Emmaline. I can't go on without you. I'm a mess now that you and I are no more. Please come back to me."

"Ashton, I've already told you, I'm with someone new now. He treats me like a lady and I love him."

"You love me?" I hear Louis say from behind me.

Horror spread across Ashton's face.

"You didn't tell me you're with him!" Ashton screams.

"Mate, just chill." Louis says as he steps in between me and Ash.

"I'm not going to 'chill'. You took the only thing in life that I ever loved. And now, I can't even call her mine anymore. You get to, but not me."

"Mate, please understand. There's someone out there for you." Louis says trying to comfort Ashton.

"The only person for me is standing right there."

Ashton points to me. And next thing I know, he's running. He's running toward me. I try to back away but its no good. His lips press to mine.

"What the bloody hell?" Louis screams.

"I love you Emmaline." Ashton says.

I'm too stunned to respond.

"No you don't love her. God damnit, I love her!" Louis screams.

"Louis?" I ask.

"Yes my love?"

"You love me?"

"Yes I do. And I'll show that love for you once I teach Mr. Irwin a lesson."

And with that, Louis takes one hit, and nails Ashton right square in the nose.

"What the hell?" Ashton screams as he falls to the ground.

"You stay away from Emmaline. And if I hear of you coming back around, I'll break more then just your nose next time."

And with that, Ashton gets up, puts both hands in the air and walks away.

Louis turns to me and kisses me passionately.

"I freaking love you Emmaline Marie Houston."

"And I freaking love you Louis William Tomlinson."

We kiss once more.

"You know Em, we really need to tell the world that your mine."

"I think you're right."

Louis takes my hand and leads me back inside.

"So guys," Louis begins, "me and Em are ready to make things official. We're going to tell the fans we are together."

"Good for you mate! I'm happy for you!" Niall says before shoving a handful of chips into his mouth.

"So, are you guys in love?" Harry asks.

"We are. We both said it, finally." I laugh.

Louis and me smile at each other. I love him so much, it hurts. I never thought I would fall so hard like this, but I did. I've fallen, and there's no going back.

After we finally finished our game of monopoly, me and Louis went into my room. We set up the camera for a special video to tell the fans about us.

"Hi there," Louis begins, "its Louis from One Direction, and I have some amazing news to share with you."

I walk over to Louis.

"This is my new girl Emmaline Houston. She's a wonderful girl and I'm happy to be her man. Please be good to her because I love her."

It was my turn to talk.

"Hi guys! I'm Emmaline. As some of you may know, I was dating Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds Of Summer. But unfortunately, things didn't work out. But I managed to find Louis and make peace with Ashton. Please don't hate Ashton or Louis or anyone. Love you all."

I waved and walked away, just as planned.

"Well guys, until next time! Bye!" Louis turns off the camera.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I ask, remembering that the 5SOS fans loved me.

"They better. If they don't, they'll have to answer to me." Louis laughs.

"I love you Superman."

"And I love you sunshine."

And we kiss, and the sparks fly. I'm crazy in love, with no regrets.

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