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I pull up to Madeline's apartment. I park my car and walk right inside.

"Emmaline? What are you doing here?" My sister asks concerned. She's always concerned about me. With her being only 16, all she does is worry about me.

"Ashton dumped me." I say blankly.

"Really? That jerk! But wait, you don't seem upset."

"I'm not upset, I'm doing fine actually. I'm finally out of the spotlight. I'm clean. I'm free at last. I'm done with dating famous guys. I'm going to try to find a guy around here that will always have time for me and never leave me for a fan."

"He left you for a fan? How old was she, 12? I mean, he's only 20."

"She wasn't 12, she was probably 16. That's not that bad, I'm only 19."

"True. Anyway, I'm guessing you need a place to stay?"

"Yes please Mad. I have no where to go. I no longer have a home." I say blankly.

"Emma, let me go make up the guest room for you and you can settle in." Madeline hurries out of the room.

I sit down on the couch in Madeline's living room and think about tonight. My life could not get any worse. The public is going to love the details of this breakup. Especially since it was on tv, which makes everything worse.

"Your room is ready Em." Madeline whispers.

"Thanks Mad." I pick up my stuff and head down the hall to the room and put away all my stuff.

After unpacking everything, I fall onto the bed and fall asleep instantly.

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