The Tag-Alongs

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(One Week Later)

Me and Louis had been engaged for about two weeks now and still haven't started planning. Yeah, we're the type of couple that usually waits until the last second to do stuff.

I roll over and look at Louis who is fast asleep.

"Boo bear." I say as I run my fingers through his soft brown hair.

His blue-green eyes open quickly.

"Good morning Em." Louis says in his morning voice.

I smile. He's just too adorable.

"Hey Lou, I was thinking. How about we go to the bakery downtown and test out different cakes for the wedding." I say, looking at him.

"Why start with the cakes babe?"

"I don't know. I just figured we start out with the treats." I smirk.

"Whatever you want baby. After all, it's going to be our special day." Louis then takes my hand.

"Thanks baby. I love you." I kiss his soft lips before he mumbles 'I love you' back to me.

We both hop out of bed and head off to get ready. We had a wedding to plan.

We both get ready rather quickly and head down the hallway into the living room. Everyone else is already up.

"Where are you two headed off to?" Madeline asks.

"Me and Louis are going to the bakery to test out wedding cakes."

"That sounds like fun." Kay answers.

"And delicious." Niall adds.

"Can we come too?" Harry questions.

Louis turns to face me. This is what we were trying to avoid.

"Please! We'll be good!" Niall whines. "And I want cake!"

"Fine." I groan. "Just don't do anything stupid."

"Yay!" All four of them shout.

"Now," Louis begins, "Go get ready so we can go."

All four of the rush put of the room and down the hall to get ready. They return moments later.

"We're ready!" Madeline shouts.

"I'm hungry!" Niall shouts.

"This is going to be an interesting day." Louis whispers, making me laugh.

We all head out and get into the car and head to the bakery.

While we are driving there, 'Lips Are Movin' by Meghan Trainor comes on the radio. Which causes the back of Louis' SUV to turn into a musical, staring Mr. Niall Horan.

Everyone laughs as Niall makes up dance moves to every line of the song.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the small bakery. I've always loved this bakery. Family-owned and has been around for over 50 years. The family knows me well since I was friends with their daughter while in school.

"Emmaline!" They all shout as I come walking in.

"Hi guys!" I say as I begin to hug every single one of them.

"And who have we here?" They ask looking at Louis.

"This is my fiance Louis Tomlinson from the band One Direction."

"You're getting married? My how time flys!"

I laugh a little before speaking again.

"Anyway, we are beginning to plan our wedding and we are going to start with the cake and I can't think of a better place to order my wedding cake then from here."

"Oh Emmaline! That's so sweet! We'll bring out samples right away so you guys can test them."

"Thank you so much."

Me, Louis, and the tag-alongs go find a table to sit at.

Not long after we sit down, they are bringing out cakes for us to try.

Me and Louis take bites of every piece of cake in front of us.

"Louis! When do I get some cake?" Niall whines.

"Here Niall, this cake isn't that good, you can have this piece." Louis says before throwing, literally throwing, the plate to Niall.

"Louis! Stop that! I personally know these people! You can't throw stuff around in here like that!"

"Sorry Em."

At this time, Niall comes back over and starts taking every piece of cake that we have left.

"This cake is amazing!" Niall shouts, causing the attention to be turning toward our table.

"So Louis, what cake should we choose?" I ask.

"Well Em, I personally like the chocolate one."

"I do too."

"Then its settled, we get the chocolate one."

"Wonderful! I'll tell them up front!" I say as I stand up to go tell them.

As I walk up to the front, I hear the sound of breaking glass. Oh no.

I turn around, and there's a bunch of broken plates on the floor.

"Oops." Niall snickers.

"Niall! Look what you've done!" Madeline shouts.

Kay and Harry begin to laugh at Niall's misfortune while Louis gives me a look with the words "I'm sorry" coming from his mouth.

I tell them that me and Louis want the chocolate cake with the chocolate filling. After that, I apologize for Niall breaking the plates. Niall comes up next to me and pays for the plates.

As we get ready to leave, I hug all of them and apologize once again.

"Emmaline, you are always welcome here, don't feel bad. And we love Louis, he seems like a good man. Just don't bring anymore tag-alongs." The old lady snickers.

I laugh too, before hugging her again.

"Goodbye guys!" I shout before leaving.

"Bye Emmaline! Bye Louis!"

Louis waves and says goodbye.

They tell Kay and Harry goodbye. And Madeline too.

"Bye guys! You guys make great cake! Sorry I broke your plates!"

They all give Niall the stare-down while he leaves the bakery. Yep, I have a feeling he's not welcome there anytime soon. 

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