How Will He Take It?

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(Three Months Later)

I take a look at myself in the mirror. I'm already starting to show since I'm four months along.

I still haven't told Louis. We talk every morning and every night. I really don't want to tell him over the phone. That wouldn't be right. I plan on telling him when he gets back in a month. Well, more like showing him since it won't be too hard for him to figure out. Yet, I wonder, "how will he take it?"

Also, not only is next month the month Louis will know, its also when we find out the gender of this baby.

I'm starting to get a little more used to the idea now. I've told my family and Louis' family. They were all instructed not to say anything at all to Louis, the other four boys, fans, or the public.

I'm sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of ice cream, when I hear a knock at the door. I quickly looked out the window to see who it was. Ashton.

I opened the door and let him in.

"Em? Are you pregnant?" That was the first thing he asked when he saw me.

"I am." I answer quietly.

"Does Louis know?"

"Not yet. Please don't say anything to anyone."

"I won't. How do you think he will react?"

"I'm not sure. He told me before he left that he wants kids right after we get married. Little does he know, he's getting one before. Our families know, but him and the boys don't. We don't want it getting out to the public until Louis knows. I mean, the fans are going to find out eventually. They won't be too happy, but they'll deal with it I hope."

"They better, or I'll chew every single one of them out. They should be happy for you. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Ash. You're a good friend." I hug him and he hugs me back.

"When does Louis come home?"

"In a month." I answer.

"That's not too far away. Anyway, Em, if you need me. I'm here for you. Always."

"Thanks Ash."

"And if Louis leaves you, I volunteer to take you back."

"That won't happen." I answer.

"It better not or I'll put him in his place."

I laugh. "Thanks Ash. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"Sure Em, I'll come over and hang out. We can watch movies and do that type of stuff."

"That sounds wonderful! I've been wanting to watch 'Frozen' but Kay won't let me because she says I turn it into a "musical"."

Ashton laughs.

"We'll watch whatever you want to watch. I'll bring ice cream. It will be fun."

"Thanks Ash. Now, I'm going to go take a nap, and I'm sure you have stuff to do."

"I do actually, I'm on my way to the studio. I just wanted to check up on you since Louis is gone and I know Madeline and Kay are at school."

"Aww. Thanks Ash. That's really sweet of you." I hug him, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Emmaline. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Ash, don't forget the ice cream!"

"I won't!" Ashton laughs.

I open the door for him and he walks out and heads to his car. I watch him pull away.

After he's gone, I close the door, lock it, and head to my bedroom to rest awhile. It was nice of Ash to drop by, he helped me to forget my fears for the time he was here. But now the fears have come back. And I'm still freaking out about what Louis will have to say.

Well, I guess I'll find out in a month.

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