Everything I Didn't Say

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Aftet getting home and checking my phone, I discovered a text from Louis.
Hey love. Just wanted to let you know I'll pick you up at 7. Can't wait to see you! :)

I smiled to myself as I sat my phone down on my bed. I had to find something cute to wear for my first date with the Louis Tomlinson.

I walked over to my closet, opened it, and looked through everything I had. I picked out a tiffany blue dress with tiffany blue Vans to match.

I slipped on the dress, and applied my makeup. After texting Louis the address, I sat down on my bed, when I heard a loud bang.

I look out my window to see 5 Seconds Of Summer in the parking lot. Ash with his drums, and the other three with their guitars.

Luke must have noticed me at the window. He quickly shouted something to Ash, who screamed, "Emmaline, this is Everything I Didn't Say!"

Then all four guys started singing 'Everything I Didn't Say'.

I stood there and listened to the song, but little did Ashton know, I wasn't getting back together with him. I was already over him.

When they finished, Ash looked up at me, "How was that babe?"

I looked down at him and screamed, "I'm not your babe anymore."

And with that, I saluted him and the rest of the guys with my trusty middle finger and slammed the window shut.

Madeline and Kay came in just as I had slammed the window.

"What was all the about?" Kay asked as she pointed to the window.

"Ash is trying to win me back."

"What a jerk." Madeline said as she rolled her eyes.

Kay looked over at me, "Em, this is turning into a love triangle. Louis is crazy about you already. And Ash wants you back."

"How do you know Louis is crazy about me?"

"You should see his twitter. You're all he tweets about. It was love at first sight for him."


"Yeah so finish getting ready, me and Madeline will get rid of those four jerks in the parking lot."

I laughed. "Ok."

After they left, I continued to get ready.

"Love triangle." I thought. "I hope not."

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