Adventures At IKEA

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(The Next Day)
"Here we are." Louis says as he parks the car outside of IKEA.
"Ready to shop until we drop?" I ask everyone in the SUV, which meant me, Louis, Kay, Harry, Madeline, and Niall. Zayn, Perrie, Liam, and Ashley were in the SUV parked next to us.
"I'm ready!" Madeline says before she turns to Niall, who had fallen asleep, so she could wake him up.
"Let's do this thing!" Kay shouts as she opens up her door and runs to the front door.
I look at Harry, who is shaking his head.
"I love that girl so much." He says before taking off after her.
Madeline finally gets Niall awake and the rest of us get out of the SUV, along with the other four, and head to the front door.
Once we get inside, we are greeted by an employee of the store.
"Hello, how can I help you guys?" She smiles.
"Hi, me and my fiance are here to purchase furniture for our new home." I begin.
"Sounds great! We have a ton of items to choose from! Just take a look around, and let me know if I can help you guys in any way."
"Thank you so much." Louis says as he takes my hand.
"Grab a cart Niall." Madeline says.
"Sure thing princess." Niall replies as him and Liam go over and grab carts.
We all begin to walk around the store together, looking at everything carefully. I mean, this was going to be the furniture in me and Louis' dream home, it had to be perfect.
We all continue to walk along, everyone pointing out stuff to us as possible choices. Until, we come across this huge sectional couch in charcoal.
"That's it!" I scream, pointing at the couch.
"You want this one babe?" Louis asks.
"Yes. This is it."
"Then it's what we'll get. I'll go find that girl and tell her to put this one on the ticket."
"Alright baby. We'll all keep looking."
Louis walks away toward the front to go find the lady, and me, including the remaining eight, continue to look around.
We all keep walking along, looking at things, when I hear a huge crash.
I turn around to find Niall's shopping cart flipped over, along with Liam's. Both of their faces are bright red.
"What the hell happened?" I ask.
"Well," Liam begins, "Me and Niall decided to race our carts and we kinda ran into each other and the carts flipped." Both guys blush.
Me, Perrie, Zayn, Kay, Harry, Madeline, and Ashley all begin laughing while Niall and Liam pick up their carts, just in time for Louis to come back.
"I heard a crash, what did you do?" Louis asks Niall.
"Why do you always assume it's me who breaks things?" Niall asks.
"Because Niall, you usually do. Remember when me and Em took you cake testing with us? You broke the plates." Louis chuckles, making the rest of us laugh.
"Hey, at least they had great cake!" Niall says, causing everyone to laugh even harder.
Zayn, Perrie, Liam, and Ashley all looked somewhat confused, so I explain what happened. After an explanation, they begin to laugh with us.
We continue to walk around until, finally, me and Louis found furniture for every room in our house. It took us all day, but we did it.
Me and Louis head up to the front register to pay, while the other eight follow closely behind.
Once we exit the building, we all decide that we are hungry and that we need to find a place to eat, because Niall said, and I quote, "I will die of starvation!" Sometimes, I feel bad for Madeline. She has a lot to handle.
We all pile in the SUV's and head to the local diner downtown.
When we walk in, we are greeted by the manager, who knows me, Kay, and Madeline pretty well.
He comes over and hugs the three of us, and after that, we introduce him to everyone else.
"Big crowd! I'll put some tables together so you can all sit together."
"Thank you so much." Kay says.
Once the tables are put together, we all sit down, and are handed menus.
Once we all order, we all break off into our own conversations, until Harry stands up. We all look up at him.
"Guys, I have something that I want to say," Harry begins, "First off, I want to say congrats to Louis and Em on their new house, and little Oakleigh, whom we will get to meet in a few months."
Me and Louis smile at Harry.
"And, the most important thing I want to say is....." Harry trails off.
"What is it?" We all ask.
"Kay Nicole Houston, I want to tell you something, and I can't think of a better time to say it."
"Well then, what is it babe?" Kay asks.
"Kay, I love you."
Kay looks at Harry.
"Don't you have anything to say?" Harry asks Kay.
"About damn time!" Kay shouts.
"So I'm guessing you love me too?"
"Hell yes I do!"
We all clap for the happy couple as Kay and Harry kiss.
At that moment, the food is brought out.
"Hell yeah! The food is here! I won't die after all!" Niall shouts as he digs into his food.
We all laugh and talk and tell jokes and have fun until we close the place down.
After that, we leave to drop everyone off at their homes before me and Louis head home.
When we get home, me and Louis change into our PJs and climb into bed. We lay there for what feels like forever, just talking about the future to come. I'm laying in Louis' arms and his hands are on my belly.
"I can't wait for our baby girl to get here." Louis says before kissing my forehead.
"Me either." I say.
"I love you Emmaline Marie Houston."
"And I love you Louis William Tomlinson."
"I can't wait to make you my wife."
"I can't wait to make you my husband." I smile.
And it was true, I really couldn't wait. I loved him so much. And, like always, I thanked God for him before laying down to sleep.

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