Chapter 13: These Three Won't Leave Me Alone!

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First Person P.O.V

I stared at the scene in front of me. A man that popped out of the wall, naked, and his two freaky-ass friends who look like they are just as crazy as him. 'How are they even students at UA?' I shook my head at them and pushed by them, trying my best to not touch the stripper.

"Hey, wanna hang out with us? I mean, if you are not busy, that is." I turned back to look at the stripper. Good thing he got some clothes on because of his friend.

"No way." The guy looked rather upset because of my answer, but who cares. "I refuse to hang out with a man who pops out of the walls, naked." The girl started laughing again out of nowhere like a maniac.

"Hey, you are pretty funny." She jumped down the steps and landed in front of me. "I'm Nejire Hado, a second-year in class 2-A. It's nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand out at me and smiled.

"I really don't care who you are, and as I said, I'm not going to hang out with you weirdos." I turned and tried to walk down the next flight of stairs until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and was face to face with the stripper again. "Good God, leave me alone." I slapped his hand away, and the girl, Nejire, got in my way.

"I think it's rude to just walk away from someone when they are trying to talk to you. Besides, we know you are probably lonely so let's have some fun!" She fist-pumped the air.

"Yeah! Let's hangout!"

"No." I tried to push past them, but goddammit, they are too persistent.

"Mirio, Nejire, I.. I'd also... like t-to hangout with... him." I snapped my head up to look at him with wide eyes. 'This can not be happening.' I thought sullenly. He walked down and grabbed my shoulder with a notably shaky hand. "Let's be friends." He whispered to me.

"HELL NO!" The timid guy flinched. The stripper, Mirio, and Nejire dropped their jaws. "THERE IS NO WAY I'M HANGING OUT WITH YOU PEOPLE!" I slapped them away from me and stomped off. I didn't even pay attention to where I was going. I ended back up at the nurse's office. I just stared at the door before turning back to go to my classroom to get my stuff. Once I left the classroom, I headed to the front entrance when I saw them. "Oh good God, kill me right now." I groaned. 'Maybe if I keep my head down, they won't recognize me.'

"Hey! Porta Potty! Let's go get some food!" Nejire yelled at me. I should've knocked on wood.

"I have some stuff t-"

"No, you don't. Your class got out early, and so did ours," Mirio stated. "Also, I followed you back to the nurse. Are you not feeling well? We can walk you home." I did a mental facepalm. 'Not only is that blonde a stripper, but he is also a stalker. How can this day get any worse?'

"Mirio... I think we... should take care of him." 'Oh no.'

"That is a great idea, Tamaki. Alright, it's settled we are going to be your nurses," Mirio said, pointing at me. I shook my head in horror. I turned and ran as fast as I could, but they caught me. "Maybe you're not sick, but come on, let's hang out. I'll pay for your food." Mirio didn't give me a chance to answer as he started dragging me to a restaurant. Nejire and Tamaki followed us until we were standing in front of my favorite restaurant, Up n' Away. It's nothing fancy, but I love it. "Quit staring let's go inside." Mirio pushed me in front of him, and we went inside.

Once we walked inside, I walked straight up to the counter and ordered a double cheeseburger with a soda, and they all ordered the same thing. As we sat down and waited for the food, the three tried to make some small talk. "Hey since we are here, let's introduce ourselves. I'll go first. I'm Togata Mirio, a second year in the class 2-B." I made the most disgusted face I could manage.

"Um... I'm T-Tamaki... Amajiki. I'm in class 2-A." I know, if Sozo was here, she would slap me. So, I tried to make an even more disgusted face.

"You already know me, so we are already friends!" Nejire yelled. The cashier came out and called out our number. I stood up, but Mirio stopped me.

"I'll get it my treat, remember." He winked at me. I shuddered, and sadly the others caught this.

"Don't worry he is a competent person," Nejire reassured me. Or at least she tried to. 'That guy is way too nice. The only person who was like that was, well nevermind.' Mirio brought the food back while I sat back down.

"Here ya go." I took it without saying anything and started eating. We ate in silence for about five minutes before Mirio spoke up again. "So, what were you doing by the nurse's office?" I was just starting to warm up to this guy, and he had to talk.

"None of your damn business," I growled at him. I felt eyes on me, so I looked up and saw them giving me an odd look. "What?" 'ugh, I hate this. Why are you people looking at me like that?'

"Well, it is our business, right, Tamaki?" Mirio looked over at his timid friend. 'I just realized. He is very similar to Hana. I wonder if they would get along?'

"I...agree. If... you n-need help... you can talk to us." He said, looking up at me. I wanted to throw up. My thoughts kept going back to Sozo's face, what I had done to the only person I trusted.

"I..." 'Holy shit, I haven't felt like this since before we escaped that God-awful orphanage.' "I don't have to tell you people, anything." 'Goddamnit.' I stopped eating and looked down at my lap. I frowned. 'How stupid am I? If Sozo was here, she'd be talking up a storm with these people.'

"Oh I know, his girlfriend dumped him and then fell down the stairs!" I slammed my hand on the table and stood up.

"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND! SHE IS LIKE A SISTER TO ME!" The other people in the restaurant looked at us weirdly, and I sat back down, embarrassed by the fact that I made such a fuss in front of these people. I just gave them information that they can use against me. 'Oh, God. They're not gonna leave me alone now.'

"Is she hurt? Oh, I know, how about you get her a gift?" Mirio suggested. No way would I show that I cared.

"Um... no, it's not like she will talk to me anymore." I looked away from them. I don't feel hungry anymore, so I stand up. "Thanks for the food, see ya." I started trying to leave for the 16th time that day. But alas, that god-damned hand on my shoulder.

I turned, and this time it wasn't Mirio, the stripper. It was Tamaki. 'How the fuck is that weed so fucking strong?!'

"Take a seat." He glared at me. 'This guy, I thought he was a pushover like Hana.' The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I saw Tamaki's hand morph into a cow hoof. "Now." I obeyed and sat down. "I understand that you have some problems." 'He's not a shy and timid person anymore.'

"But clearly, the person that you are talking about cares about you." 'Why is he so... scary.'

"I'm guessing you two got into a disagreement, and you did something, right?" 'Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit.'

"So how about instead of being a little bitch, you go and make up with her." 'He can cuss?! This guy is bad news.'

He is still glaring at me but not with as much venom as before. His friends also had wide eyes. I'm guessing he doesn't do this often. I must've really fucked up.

"Ok." I swallowed the lump of fear in my mouth. "Your right I should do something, but that is going to have to wait. Until my suspension is done." Tamaki seemed satisfied with that and went back to being the kind and quiet person I had met. I picked up the remains of my food and kept eating. "By the way, I'm Torutunitarani Kuchi. Call me Tari for short." They smiled and started talking about god knows what. But that is fine. At least it was until they started showing up at my doorstep every day after school. 'I really want this suspension to be done.'

(Stay Tuned for our next chapter!)

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