Chapter 22: The Plan (Part 1)

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Third Person P.O.V.

~Meanwhile, with Sozo~

Sozo woke up, tied to a chair. She tried to move her arms but found that she couldn't. No matter how hard she tugged against her restraints, they wouldn't budge.

"So, good, to see that you're awake, Suru," Sozo looked up and glared at the old man crab in front of her.

"Dr. Kousuke," She spat. The crab smiled at her and clicked his pincers together.

"Oh, Suru, you were one of the more promising ones too. Well... I'll let you live. But only because you're wanted by a certain man," He started cackling madly while he scuttled out of the room. Sozo looked around the room for anything and everything she could use to escape.

But there wasn't anything. The room was dim, only lit up by a single greasy light bulb. The floor was covered in old bloodstains. The chair Sozo was sitting in is similar to chairs in a dentist's office.

There weren't any windows, and as far as she could see, there was only one door. There were no windows, no mirrors, nothing.

She sighed in defeat. Until she suddenly got an idea. 'Concentrate... maybe it'll work.' She imagined the rope around her cut by a blade. She had her eyes closed when the cord finally snapped. It fell, and she stood up. She wanted to cheer, but she had to stay quiet to leave. 'When I find, Tari or Hawks-sensei, I'll cheer!' She got to the door and tested it. It was locked.

"Damn! Oh, wait. Haha, lol, ... I have a quirk!" She raised her hands and noticed she was shaking. She clenched her fists and held onto the door. 'Melt, melt, melt, melt!'

"C'mon, for the love of god, fucking melt!" She whispered in fear.

~Flash back~

The kids were escaping from the doctor's lair, and she had to melt the fencing. Sozo held her hands up and tried as hard as she could to imagine the metal melting. But she couldn't. It was impossible...


Sozo felt tears on the corners of her eyes as the doorknob melted. The knot in her stomach slowly untied itself as she pushed the door open softly. Surprisingly it didn't squeak or groan. She slipped out and ran softly out the door as she tried to find the exit. Every twist and turn had her praying that she was safe.

After who knows how long she had been running. She found a door that led to the outside. It was open, and she could see out there. She's free!

"Suru, you haven't changed at all, have you?" Sozo skidded to a halt as Haru blocked her way out.

He smiled at her softly.

"Stop this foolishness. Join us! Let's destroy everything! You'll meet a guy who can help us. His quirk is amazing! Anything he touches crumbles and turns to dust! C'mon, it's not bad, my little gummy bunny," She shivered when he called her that.

"Never! I don't know what happened to you. But I'll never help you! You're not Haru!" She choked up as she felt her emotions get the best of her.

"Haru is gone... you're not Haru!" She put her hands out as she tried to make fireballs appear around her.

"Oh, dear,... looks like someone can't accept you, Haru," They looked over at the new voice. Sozo's eyes widened in fear and shock.

"Delilah?" The woman smiled.

"Yes, Sozo. It's me, Delilah," She had long, pink hair and a baby blue flower painted over her left eye. Her eyes were crimson red. She wore a tight, form-fitting black suit. It looked like it was an armor of some sort.

The Story of Class 2-A (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora