Chapter 19: Sozo's Internship

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Third Person P.O.V.

As soon as Tari got off the train. Sozo watched him leave with the blonde guy from the picture. She smiled to herself but couldn't help feeling sad. 'Oh well, as long as he's happy. I'm happy.' She thought silently to herself. They began to leave, and she waved at their backs. They couldn't see her, but that's completely fine in Sozo's book.

Once they left, the train began moving again. Sozo continued to stare out the window until she felt something cold, wet, and slimy touch her hand. She jumped and looked down in disgust. A noodle was sitting on the seat beside her, and she was instantly confused. She looked around and caught Hiroyoshi's gaze along with Sakura's sight as well. She stared at them without blinking for a good three minutes until Sakura got up and sat down next to her.

"Hey, you look lonely. Mind if we lighten up your day?" She asked, smiling at her. Sozo blinked at her in confusion.

"Excuse me, but I think some noodles and candy will cheer you up," Hiroyoshi said as he held out two bowls, one with noodles and the other with a sparkly powder, that smelt extremely sweet. Sozo cracked a smile and started laughing.

"Oh my goodness, wouldn't that be like eating you two?" The other started laughing as well.

"Don't eat meeee!" Hiroyoshi screamed in a high-pitched voice. It made Sozo laugh even harder. To the point that she started snorting. The train eventually stopped, and so did their laughing. They all got off and began heading towards a tall building.

"Are you two going to train with Hawks?" Sozo asked them.

"Yeah! He's super cool!" Hiroyoshi exclaimed in excitement.

"Yeah. I'm with the wet noodles on this one." Hiroyoshi spun around to face her.

"WHO'RE YOU CALLING A WET NOODLE?! AT LEAST I DON'T LOOK LIKE PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM!" Sakura gasped and held her chest. She fell to her knees.

"No, it's not true!" She fake cried, and Sozo smiled at their antics. It reminded her of when She, Tari, and their third partner Haru used to play with back in the lab. 'However, he's gone now... he'll never be able to see the sky...' Sozo was broken out of her thoughts by a dozen red feathers whizz past her and attack a man right behind her. 'How did I not notice him?!' Sozo thought, furious at the fact that she was daydreaming... again.

"You kids alright?" A voice said from above her. Sakura and Hiroyoshi stared at him, awe-struck. Sozo smiled, trying to hide her anger.

"Yes, we are alright. We are here for our internships. It's a pleasure to meet you so soon," Hawks says.

He flew down in front of the trio and looked up and down at them. 'The pink-haired girl is definitely eye-catching, but is she even useful? She's more like an eyesore. Does her quirk have something to do with candy? And that guy. What's up with his hair? It looks like someone slapped udon noodles on his head, and he's really skinny. I don't think he'll do good as a hero. Maybe as a comedian? That girl over there... she seems familiar.'

"Alright, let's go! You kids can tell me about yourselves on the way," The three follow after him, with Hiroyoshi and Sakura telling him their life story. The building came into view, and Hawks sighed in relief. He held the door open, and they quickly went in. Sozo turned to Hawks and thanked him before catching up with her food-like friends.

Hawks chuckled as he finally remembered who Sozo was. The other girl and the guy were running around the lobby. Sozo got irritated and whipped them into shape. Quite literally. Sozo created a giant bullwhip and cracked it over their heads before going over and pulling their ears while scolding them. The workers on the bottom floor started laughing, and Hawks made them get in the elevator and meet him in his office.

They nodded and got in, but things took a turn for the worse. Once they got inside, they heard snapping, the cable snapping. The elevator started going down fast, and then it stopped. Causing not only the trio but a couple of other people to crash into the elevator floor.

"Oh, god! My face hurts!" Hiroyoshi groaned out. Sakura groaned in agreement. As Sozo laid there with her eyes squeezed shut.

"Uh, miss, are you alright?" One of the office workers was standing over her trying to see if she was hurt.

"Uh, sir? Please get the fuck, out of the elevator. If I'm right. Then pry open the doors and leave..." The elevator shifted ominously. "Leave... before I drop everyone."

Hiroyoshi and Sakura began prying open the door, and the workers called the front desk. The kids barely got the door open when they found there wasn't an exit. It was the wall with a slit in the middle.

"Sozo? I think we're stuck."

"OH-MY-FUCKING-GOD! PRY OPEN THE DOORS! THAT'S NOT WALL ITS DOORS!" and the elevator dropped slightly. But enough for the kids to start panicking. Sozo sighed and rubbed her face. 'Getting angry at idiots won't help. Stay calm, Sozo.'

"Sakura, use your quirk and blast the doors open." Sakura got into a stuffy stance and held her hands out in front of her.

"Bubblegum canon!" A beam of pink candy cane out her hands and made a hole in the doors. Hiroyoshi climbed through, then turned back and stuck his head through the hole.

"Office workers are next," He smiled at them, and the women went through first. Hiroyoshi pulled her through. Then the guy went through but almost got stuck. They were about to panic again until Hawks got there and helped out.

"Lesson number one, kiddo. Don't think about the bad things, just focus on the problem at hand," He pulled the guy the rest of the way through.

"Alright, next!" Sakura looked at Sozo and was about to pick her up.

"Hurry up and go! I'll be getting up soon." Sozo smiled up at her. She nodded and went through. Hawks and Hiroyoshi pulled Sakura through the hole and called for Sozo to come over. But she didn't come out, and the elevator fell. Hawks stuck his head through the hole and heard the elevator crash to the bottom of the building. He sighed, and his shoulders dropped. The kids almost cried, and then a hand shot out of the hole.

"I'M ALIVE DON'T START PLANNING MY FUNERAL YET!!" A disheveled Sozo came through the hole like the girl from the ringer. 'This is going to be a long week,' Hawks thought sullenly to himself as the kids did some odd dance around Sozo.

(Stay tuned! For our next chapter!)

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