Chapter 14: What is everyone else up to?

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Third Person P.O.V.

"Goddamnit, this sucks," Chimei said.

"Well, nothing we can do about it now. We merely have to deal with it." Hana replied.

"What is going on?" Sozo asked. Chimei and Hana instantly shot up.

"Sozo!" Hana jumped on her and caught her in a bear hug. Chimei let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, Sozo, I'm sorry I let him hurt you." Chimei bowed his head. 'I can't ever forgive that bastard.' Hana let go of Sozo.

"I feel the same. Please, forgive us." Hana started to tear up. 'Please don't be mad at us. I'm sorry I'm so useless. I-' Hana was broken out of her thoughts by Sozo patting her head.

"I have no idea what you guys are apologizing for, but I don't care. I forgive you guys." Sozo smiled at them.

"WAIT! YOU DON'T REMEMBER?!" They both screamed in unison.

"No, why? What happened?" Sozo gasped. "WAIT! DID ALIENS ATTACK?!" They sweatdropped. The girl in front of them kept freaking out about aliens and time travel monkeys until Chimei finally spoke up.

"Sozo, calm down a bit. No, none of that happened. Tari beat the crap out of you. That's why you're in the nurse's office. That's also the reason..." Chimei closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "That's also the reason why we have detention." Chimei and Hana were silent as Sozo took in the new information.

"So that's why you guys apologized?" Sozo's face was blank. Neither of them could read her expression. Hana looked down at her feet, And Chimei turned away from her. Sozo looked down at her hands before sighing. She got up and gathered her things.

"Where are you going?" Hana asked timidly.

"Gonna hunt that bitch down and give him a piece of my mind." Chimei whipped around and grabbed Sozo.

"There is no way I'm letting you go through another beating like that." He growled at her. "Anyway, now that you're awake, we have to serve our detention..."

~2 days later~

The trio met up at the gate before sunrise. Aizawa gave them three options. Option number one: be expelled. Option number two: stay late after school to do whatever team bonding exercise he decided on. Or option three: come to the school early and do extra quirk training. The three decided on the last option, and now they have to head off to hell. Aizawa stood outside the gym waiting for them. Once they came up to him, he spoke.

"You kids ready?" The three of them nodded. "Then get in there and start." They all walked to their corners and started training. Chimei had to keep putting out the fire until his skin started to peel. Hana had to phase in and out of the walls. Sozo had to create as many things as she could. It didn't matter if her head hurt. She had to keep going. At the end of their training, they were in pain.

"My hands... they burn!" Chimei fell to his knees, holding his hands in front of his face. Hana was shaking like she was cold.

"No more phasing... please.... I can't take it anymore." She laid down next to Chimei.

"Hahaha... someone kill me now." Sozo sat next to them before the bell rang for class. "NOOOOOOOOOO NOT YET! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY!" The other two groaned loudly. But the three of them got up and shuffled to class. The Detention went on for another couple of days until Friday finally came.

After their Friday morning training, they all got a text from Tari. He had never used the class group chats before, so everyone felt a little uneasy. The trio ran to class, and everyone else sat there with a dark look on their face. Once the bell rang, Aizawa came in.

"Alright, you kids know the drill, don't be problem children while I take a nap. Go about your business." With that, he crawled into his sleeping bag and fell asleep. The class remained quiet for another five minutes. Then gradually everyone started talking. Some girls talked about make-up. Others chatted about what they did last night. But Daichi brought up the class's little problem.

"Why do you think Tari used the group chat?." The class went silent.

"Maybe something bad happened to him?" Hiroyoshi suggested.

"No way, I bet he just wants to be a dick again," Yna said.

"Maybe he's trying to apologize for being a di- I mean, rude?" Hana said.

"Say dick. We all know that's what you were going for." Sozo said. Hana just turned to her and glared at her.

"We won't know until we look at it. Anyways it's a picture or downloaded writing of some sort." Sozo said.

"You're right. Alright, Daichi, open it up!" Chimei yelled. Daichi nodded, and he opened up the class group chat, and they saw it. The picture was of Tari in a harness hanging off of some guy's stomach. The gear was pale pink, and Tari had a bright pink bow with white polka dots on his head. A girl with long periwinkle hair stood to the left of them smiling, and a black-haired guy stood to the right of the guy and Tari. What sealed the deal for the students. Was that Tari's face looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole and die. The guy carrying him was tall and blonde, and they wore UA uniforms except for Tari.

After staring at the photo for a few moments, everyone started laughing their asses off. It got so loud that it scared Aizawa awake. He jumped up, ready for a fight but saw his students on the floor laughing.

"Aizawa sensei... look... at the... group chat." Hana managed to get out in between laughing. Aizawa took his phone out and went to the chat and saw the picture. He almost cracked a smile but quickly got himself under control.

"Detention for everyone." The class started groaning, but it was worth it. They decided that next Monday when they go to internships, they're all going to make fun of him.

(Stay tuned for our next chapter.)

(BTW- I will try to post a chapter once or twice a week, it depends on how fast we write and edit chapters.)

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