Chapter 20: Haru?

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Third Person P.O.V

"There has been a series of mysterious deaths throughout this region, and they are steadily getting more and more brutal," Sir Nighteye explained to the students. Mirio nodded solemnly. As he listened while Tari looked at the map of the city. "Our job is to make sure the people are safe. We're not cops, but if you see or hear anything. Then don't hesitate to go after them. This person will more than likely force you into a corner."

"Yes, sir!" Sir Nighteye walked out, and the students followed him.

~Time skip~

They had been walking for a good hour when they heard something down the alley. Sir Nighteye walked down first and caught sight of the scene. A man, no, a teenager, was standing over a body that had its head crushed beyond recognition. The bone and brain matter was all over the wall and his right leg. The guy had dark red hair, pale skin, a gray sleeveless top with black baggy pants. His combat boots were once the same color as his pants. When he turned his face, Nighteye noticed the teenager had a blue streak under his right eye and a red streak going vertically down his face starting from his left eye. What caught Sir Nighteye's sight was that he had eyebags, and he seemed... bored. Or at least he did not care. Tari and Mirio came as they didn't get the signal from Sir Nighteye. As soon as Tari got there and saw the teen, Tari's eyes widened.



"Hey! Sozo! MARRY MEEE!" A little boy screamed as he ran up to a little girl with dark brown hair and pale pink tips.

"NOOOOO! STAY AWAY FROM MEEE!" She turned and ran the other way as another boy started laughing.

"Tari! Why aren't you on my side!?"

"Because you need to be more romantic, get her flowers, chocolate, and a stuffed animal. I think girls like that," A smaller and happier Tari said. He looked at the redhead in front of him and started laughing again. "Oh, don't look at me like that. Hahaha, not my fault you are being creepy!"


"Haru!" They both laughed for a good few minutes before Sozo came running back with another kid chasing her.

"Tari! Haru! Help!" She tripped, and the kid almost grabbed her. But the guys came just in time. She looked up at them as they punched the kid in the face and knocked him over.

"Hey! What is your problem?! She has to go to the doctor!"

"Oh yeah, says who?" said Haru angrily.

"Mr. Kousuke did!" Haru and Tari looked at each other, then the other kid.


~Time skip~

"Let's escape," Haru said to the other kids.

"There is no escape," Tari mumbled. Sozo was sitting between them as they waited for Mr. Kousuke's latest test.

"There is," Haru said more sternly this time.

"Every night at midnight, the damn crab leaves his room and leaves the area."

"How do you know?" Sozo asked him. Haru smiled softly at her.

"I have someone using their quirk to figure it out. Don't worry he is on our side, okay?" She pulled her legs closer to her chest and nodded. "Good, now what we need to do is find a way for the other kids to come with us. We can't leave them here."

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