Chapter 16: Tari's Internship

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Third Person P.O.V.

It took a couple of hours, but it finally happened. The students of Class 1-A finally got on a different train to do their internships. Luckily, this specific train would stop at all the places the 16 students would need to go.

'Little too convenient for my taste,' Tari thought to himself. It took a while, but he and Sozo were able to calm down and continue their internships. However, something about this, it's just... He didn't know how to word it, but something was going to happen. And he felt scared.

"Now departing to (Tari's City)," The Conductor said over the speaker. Within the next fifteen seconds, the train stopped at the station. Tari got up from his seat, feeling his legs tingle a bit from the sitting. As he tried to leave, someone tapped his shoulder. He fully knew who it was, but it would pain him to look her in the eyes after what happened.

"I'll be seeing ya," Sozo said to him, letting go of his shoulder. Tari took a deep breath through the nose and out the mouth.

"Yeah," He responded. "Word of advice: try to keep your face out of people's fists, yeah?" He got off the train just as the doors closed. He stood there taking deep breaths to calm himself down and let the guilt go away.

'I'm not like that sadistic prick.' He told himself. He continued walking until he heard someone call his name. It wasn't Sozo, but he had a feeling he shouldn't have looked. Of course, that feeling would come after he looked.

It was Mirio. That damn bastard was probably stalking him again.

"TARI!" He shouted over to him. Knowing there was no other way out of the situation, he knew what he had to do.

"Sup, stalker," He responded as Mirio walked up next to him.

"Stalker? I come here too, ya know. Well, as Hero Work Studies, but still. You just so happen to be here." Mirio defended. Tari put his hand to his head. 'Just my fucking luck.'

"Well, ya wanna prove yourself useful and tell me where our Agency is?" Tari asked rhetorically.

"Why, certainly!" Mirio responded. He wrapped his arm around Tari's shoulders and walked him to the spot they needed to go. After some minutes of running to the Agency, he saw it. The two of them entered the building and to the Main office. Where they would find the Pro Hero: Sir Nighteye. He was doing paperwork on his desk when they came into the room.

"Sir, I have the intern," Mirio told the Pro. Nighteye looked at Tari as if to intimidate him. While Tari did feel intimidated, he was able to not show it. He simply glared back at the Pro Hero, not caring that he got up also.

"So, Intern. What makes you so special?" Nighteye asked him. Tari smirked in confidence.

"Isn't it obvious, Sir? I'm the only one here with a Strength quirk. You, Lemillion, Bubble Girl, Centipede, not a single one of you guys have a quirk that can give a villain with plenty of strength on his side a run for his money." Nighteye didn't seem impressed with his argument.

"Need a distraction? I'm your guy, Need some physical action? I'm your guy. Need someone to intimidate the civilians to move the fuck out of our way? I would love to be your guy." Tari continued. "So, let's say you get rid of me. Remember this when you struggle with a strong villain within the week."

Nighteye was utterly shocked. Nobody, and I mean, NOBODY, has ever walked into Nighteye's office with the audacity to tell him that he needs them. Well, there have been a few, but none of them worked. And that was only in Hero Work Studies.

"Alright. You built yourself up, in my mind. Let's give you a week to prove you are what you say you are." Nighteye stamped the paper to officially make Tari his new intern. Right at that moment, Bubble Girl appeared and seemed to be hyperventilating.

"Sir! We got a giant attack just to the south of us. All other Agencies in the area have stuff going on themselves. It's just us!" She said in a panic as Centipede followed her to the doorway.

"That's a bit too convenient," Mirio said jokingly. He playfully turned to Tari.

"No, I didn't pay off any villains, goddammit," Tari responded.

"Alright, people. Enough chatter." Nighteye interrupted. "Intern, get your suit on. Let's go." Nighteye took off, followed by Bubble Girl and Centipede.

It took a couple of minutes, but Tari got his suit on. It was a black suit with blue stripes around it, and to top it off, he had an armored helmet that could analyze his area.

"Let's go," Tari said through the helmet speakers. He and Lemillion ran out of the building and to the south. However, a group of civilians bumped into them, temporarily stopping them. As the pair got through the civilians, Tari could have sworn he felt a tiny pinch on his left shoulder. He brushed it off. As he and Lemillion got to the scene. The two made their way over to Sir Nighteye, who was expertly dodging a giant villain's moves.

"What's the deal here, Sir?" Lemillion asked as he punched the villain in the stomach to make him back off.

"A pair of gigantic villains are causing havoc in the streets. That's about it." Nighteye responded. Tari looked around and saw Bubble Girl and Centipede barely holding their own against the second villain. While plenty of civilians were getting caught in the crossfire. Tari got an idea.

"Sir, I have an idea. Will it work?" Tari asked (Tari knows Nighteye's quirk, because he is a fan, though he won't admit it). Nighteye looked at him and started playing the events of the future. And saw it in action. Nighteye nodded and left.

"What was that?" Lemillion asked. Tari whispered the plan in his ear to explain it to him. And Lemillion smiled in response, taking off to the other villain.

"Hey, ugly!" Tari shouted to Gigantic Villain #1. The Man looked at the teen with rage in his eyes. "The fuck's wrong with you?" Tari asked as his muscles grew in size just a little bit. He jumped to the villain and punched him in the gut, before throwing a right hook into the side.

"C'mon fuckhead. You won't kill me, no balls, you won't." Tari's muscles grew twice the regular size. The Villain ran over to him, but Tari jumped out of the way and ran further into the battleground. Giant Villain #1 followed him to Giant Villain #2. Tari saw Lemillion running towards him also, with Giant Villain #2 chasing him. 'I do hope this works,' Tari thought to himself as Lemillion phased through the ground beneath him to get out of the way. Tari stopped between the two muscular villains as they aimed their fists back. 'C'mon, c'mon,' Tari thought impatiently, but then the two villains threw their fists at him.

Tari then jumped above them to avoid the fists. They followed into the air until Tari reached face level with the two villains. Both fists collided with the Villains' faces. As Tari got back down to the ground, both the villains collapsed. Tari's muscles deflated as he turned back. He saw the stunned faces of the other pros.

"HOLY SHIT! I can't believe that worked!" Tari said to the others.

"Wait, you had no idea that would work?" Lemillion asked.

"You went in there with a half-baked plan that you knew could not work!?" Nighteye also asked.

"Uhhh..." Tari tried to come up with an excuse, but at that moment, one of the villains got back up to start swinging. Tari didn't know what would happen next, but he just felt... unbridled rage as he punched the guy again, knocking him unconscious for good. His eyes were a fiery red color before they disappeared into their mysterious brown orbs. He looked at the other heroes at that moment.

"The fuck just happened?" He asked.

(Stay Tuned for our next chapter)

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