Chapter 15: Evil Never Dies

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Third Person P.O.V.

Two days before the internships

"I'm never going to finish this list!" Chimei said, looking at it while walking around the classroom.

Chimei walked over to Yua, "Hey big-T, or should I say Rexy?" He asked jokingly. Yua giggled at the joke, "Hey, Chimei." She said. "So, you pick anyone yet?" Chimei asked. Yua eyed the paper before looking back at Chimei. "Yeah...I'm choosing Mirko the rabbit hero," she said. Chimei smiled and looked down at his paper. "Hm, Mirko?" Chimei asked, looking at the name.

In the present

As class 1A was at the subway station, they all were ready to say goodbye to each other. As Sozo was walking with Tari, they were both talking about the staff on campus. When a man with a lab coat was walking towards them, Hana noticed that one of his hands is a giant crab claw, and he has pink eyes, big white eyes brows, and a white mustache.

As Tari and Sozo saw the man coming up to them, they suddenly stood still in fear. They both saw a blast from the past when they saw his face.

The man walks up to them, giving both a one-arm hug. He then says in their ears, "It was hard. To see you leave without a goodbye hug," the man yelled, trying not to make a commotion. "You have NO idea how hard it was, trying to find you little shits," The man whispered. "You can run, but you can't hide, can you? My son and daughter, I made you what you are now. I own you. Your brothers and sisters would be happy to see I have found their oldest siblings." The man whispered in a crazy tone.

Tari and Sozo couldn't help but feel scared they both could not move or talk.

"I love that you can't even talk because you're happy to see me, yes? I will soon come back for you two," He said crazily. But then continued saying, "I must go now. If you try to yell or even tell a hero. I will murder all the people in the train station. Got it? Good! Goodbye, my children." The man whispered, with a happy tone, and left the two.

The man walked into the crowd and disappeared. Tari and Sozo sat on the ground with horrified faces and trembling bodies. Hana saw them on the ground and quickly ran over.

"What happened? Why are you trembling?" Hana asked.

"He's back! How the fuck? He's back!" Tari said over and over.

"This can't be real! This can't be right!" Sozo said shakily.

Hana was watching them with a concerned and confused face. As Tari and Sozo finally calm down. They tell Hana what happened.

"This is bad! What are you two going to do?" Hana questioned worriedly.

"I have no idea," Sozo said.

"You should at least tell Aizawa," Hana said.

"I will!" Itsuki said, coming out of nowhere.

Itsuki reported the incident, and the train station was temporarily closed. The heroes and police in the area conducted a massive sweep, but they couldn't find him.

Later that day, Tari and Sozo were taken to the police station. Mr. Tsukauchi, the officer, investigating the man in the lab coat. Interrogates them about what they know. They told him everything they could, about the man's appearance and the conversation they had.

Later that day, the internships were still going to happen.

(Stay Tuned for our next chapter)

(A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait. I'm still in school and I haven't been managing my time very wisely this week. I will try my best to update once or twice a week.)

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