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You make a neat and tidy house
A good worker does
A pinion of labours men
As capable as trust

           Mavka had been through labor ever since she was a child. As soon as she was a young blossomed "woman" she was chosen to be a slave. As she remembered, her former master was an awful Baragwin. How she remembered just how pitiful and drenching it was. Mavka never understood why the law of Ryloth allowed young females to be sold off as slaves. Desperation seemed so clear now.

She had her courage just one day and began to take her life into her own hands.

Till then, she only remembered the journey to which led her to be employed by the First Order. But it seemed so long ago. Now she was just another worker in the depths of the shadows. Working in the lowest tier. Just a nobody. It was mild. It was just what she wanted. To be working for someone that hardly considered her even being there.

Yet, the First Order was a stringent Elite. They ruled in corrupt order, so there wasn't much room for being too unconstrained or carefree. These days, Mavka was often supervised by Lieutenants and Stormtroopers.

Lieutenant Baise. He was a middle-aged human. Balding hair and a severe look at all times. Literally, most expressions of the humans in the First Order kept that bitter look on their faces. They had to always wear that certain mask.

Many TIE fighters began to arrive in the hangar, slowly docking into Bay Two along with an imperial shuttle. It began to arrive into the open space of the hangar. As usual, some of these fleets came back heavily damaged or needed a check-up. An imperial shuttle generally meant something for transportation. Yet, these days there weren't many unfortunate captives taking in.

Mavka; as she worked on a couple of stems. She began to take glances at the opening of the Imperial shuttle. There came upon two stormtroopers with distinct stormtroopers. All she ever seen with her eyes were stormtroopers, lieutenants, captains, and colonels.  Nothing to her sights these days seemed interesting. She had hoped this particular incoming had been enjoyable at least. 

These two; the stormtroopers turned their heads left and right. Taking dimwitted glances all around, as if they had never been here before. Most stormtroopers were stiff-looking, always looking forward. But these particular ones were so sloppy, slouched over like a couple of Wermals. Do they know what they are doing? Mavka wondered. Her eyes so strained upon these two.

"You." Loud footsteps marched its way to her. Lieutenant Baise came charging at her.

"Have you become brain dead? Can't you see that Imperial shuttle is heavily damaged?" Baise pointed towards the shuttle, inflamed eyes glaring right at her hollow mind. Mavka stood up and nodded at his command. "Do your job, girl."

On her way to the shuttle, she locked her eyes on the somewhat uncertain stormtroopers. It just maybe nothing. Just a way to find something out of the ordinary to be adjusted on. Mavka sighed and converged on her task.

Even concentrated on her responsibility, she continued to eye the arrivals. They didn't exit the hangar, they instead headed somewhere more private and stingy. Somewhere between the crates. Mavka had to move herself from the shuttle for a moment, pretending to gather more supplies and tools. 

Carefully she began to conceal herself from the group. It seemed suspicious. Then she began to listen in. 

"You idiot! You didn't manage to capture those spies on that outpost. Now, what are we going to report to Chief?" The other trooper seemed annoyed at this thick-witted trooper. Clearly, they seemed distressed. But it seemed that the conversation they are having had no regard to her as much. Just a couple of troopers doing their jobs, failing at it. 

"I..I-" One of the troopers placed their head on their palm. The other pushed him. 

"Wait- Are you?" One of them began to remove the other's helmet off. The man's face and posture began to falter. He seemed heavily dazed. 

Her observation had been going on for too long. Yet, this seemed to be the only entertainment for her. Then...


The crates jumped by the impact, the sound causing Mavka to jolt. Lieutenant Baise; his face consumed with red, his eyes fiery than ever. 

"You! Did I not say to work on that shuttle?" Baise pointed at the fleet and angrily approached her. "Do what you are told. Or I will find someone else who can. The First Order does not comply with pathetic, mindless weaklings like you." Mavka shuttered. The Lieutenant slowly backed away. 


"--Yes, sir." Mavka quickly moved to the shuttle, beginning to work. 

"What was that?" Lieutenant exclaimed. He approached her once more. "I could hardly hear puny voice." 

Mavka looked down despite wearing her helmet. 

"Yes. Sir." She said. 

The Lieutenant furrowed his brow and finally moved away. 

Mavka began to inspect the shuttle on the outside. It had been aimed by blasters. The dents on the outside exterior weren't the issue entirely, more so that the damage had been taken on the front. Mavka sighed. Gathering all necessary tools she began to do her objectives.

The hangar had only a few troopers lingering and technicians around. Baise was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he had matters dealt with higher ranks. Something to do with even more influential people. Mavka never cared so much about the higher ranks. No matter how important they are. She knew she wouldn't be in league with them ever. To always remain as nothing. 

Mavka headed inside the shuttle to investigate the engine. As her eyes ran off, she felt that the ship was cold. The damp air inside was growing intense. 

Then, a bit of clutter began to move. Its sound was prompted, enough to alert Mavka. She turned her head to the source of sound and began to slowly move. 

Before she could take another step; a figure risen from the shadows. A blaster pointing directly at her. Mavka froze in her tracks. Her hands raised as she backed away. It was a young girl who was almost at the same height as her. A human supposedly. But this girl was particularly bold and assured. They did not speak but only glared at Mavka. A finger laced against the mouth; indicating a silent gesture.

Mavka continued to watch the intruder, their blaster still pointed at her. 

And so, before her eyes, she watched the figure develop into a completely different look. It changed into a stormtrooper. It seemed to be a shapeshifter. How strange, how peculiar. 

Before she could comprehend the situation. She felt a rush overcome her as her consciousness fell dark. 

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