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"Wake up!" A coarse nudge to her body drove her out of consciousness. Her eyes gradually opened as her vision finally focused on a pair of stormtroopers around her. But the sight of someone's agitated face was starting to horrify her. Lieutenant Baise glared at her awakening figure as he faced one of the stormtroopers.

"What happened?" Baise questioned the stormtroopers.

"I'm not sure, sir. Just found her unconscious in the craft." The trooper replied. Baise heavily sighed. Pulling Mavka off the ground and onto her feet. 

"I am beyond the edge now, girl. I come back from a briefing and I hear that troopers have found you unconscious!" Baise exclaimed in utter annoyance. He shook Mavka out of her state of grogginess. 

"Are you ill?" He asked. Baise began to slowly tuck his hands underneath her helmet. The brief movement of her helmet alarmed Mavka in her state and removed herself from his grip in an instant. Assuring the tightness on her helmet, she backed away from the group. 

"--I-- I am okay." She said. Then she began to jog away from the hangar. Baise rose in exasperation.

"Where are you going?! Your task is unfinished!" He exclaimed. Baise groaned and stomped his foot. He was definitely done with her at this point. 

Mavka ran out of the hangar and into the halls. The rush of blood felt delayed. Her head starting to ache. She had to go somewhere more private. 

The halls and corridors felt more empty and barren. With this sort of emptiness. Mavka scooted herself around a corner to where she met a dead end. Beginning to remove her helmet. The release of its tightness that she had felt all-day had came with a rush of gratification as her Lekku poured out of the helmet. Every day, she would curl her Lekku into her helmet. To the point where she didn't care how much it hurt straining and squeezing. The point was to hide her true self. The First Order had always had a dislike for aliens. Speciesism is what they called it. It wasn't certain if they were as hostile to other species as the Empire was.  

Mavka rubbed her hands on her Lekku. Attempting to soothe her skin and muscles. 

"You there." A male voice called out from behind. Mavka had no time to squeeze on the mask. But she had to turn towards a stormtrooper who had caught her in a dead-end hiding in the shadows. 

He seemed to have paused for a moment then proceeding to approach her.

"Show me some identification." Mavka straighten her back by the sudden confrontation. She began digging into her pockets for her I.D. Giving it to the trooper. A solemn expression laid bare on her face. The trooper began to examine her card, slightly taken back by what he seen. 

"A technician, huh? Didn't know the First Order employed aliens." He said. Mavka groaned at his comment. 

"...What is it to you?" Mavka murmured bitterly. The stormtrooper's head bounced at her remark.  

"What did you say? Want me to report you to your superior and have you removed?" The trooper nudged her with his blaster in a rough tone. Mavka stayed silent as the only response she gave was that sour look on her face. Preventing her face from meeting with the lights. 

"Should've known. On your way, alien scum." Mavka snarled. Insults and impertinence were a thing in the First Order. There was not much to do about that. The stormtrooper finally disappeared from her view. Mavka quickly equipped her helmet whilst tucking her Lekku into her helmet. 

Turning to every corridor, all she began to do was wander. She knew she had to post at her station. But Baise would've replaced her already. Maybe she lost her position for good this time. 

Her mind ran sour and despondent for a while. Then she remembered her encounter with that extremely unusual situation earlier before. At that point in time maybe there was a trooper slacking off in that shuttle? She probably imagined a girl. But no. She felt terror at the time. It was certainly a girl who then shifted into a stormtrooper body. Walking off nonchalantly before pulling the trigger. 

Mavka was unquestionably dead. Perhaps they pulled the stun mode on. 

She began to hear distant footsteps headed her way, as her attention was pulled by her thoughts. Mavka witnesses a group of stormtroopers coming her way. But her awareness was sharpened on a chromium armored stormtrooper with a black cloth around their shoulder. They were so distinctly different from those plain white troopers. Mavka had never witnessed this particular being before. 

"Move aside." One of the stormtroopers ordered Mavka, pushing their blasted at her. Mavka immediately stepped away from their path. It was just a typical encounter. 

Mavka's mind began to reflect as the open space around her returned; she contemplated hard about that odd individual that issued in the shuttle. Why does someone like that bother hiding in an Imperial Shuttle? Arriving into a First Order fleet? What were they planning? Mavka's mind seemed so wired and inspired after so long. Yet, she had to keep her obstinate self. Not to ever bring awareness to her. Just be a nobody. 

Mavka finally arrived at her quarters. She opened the door but before she could step inside. There was a female Officer that shifted by her side. They just appeared like a ghost. 

"Are you Ein?" Their voice interjected Mavka's movement. Mavka faced the officer. 

"Yes," Mavka replied. 

With their hands behind their back, the officer looked at Mavka with certainty. 

"Lieutenant Baise has sent me to inform you that you are to be transferred to Hangar Six. Weapons and shipment containment." The officer took one look before heading off. Mavka rose her brow in slight confusion. "But it is a stor---" 

"That is all." 

Mavka sighs, pouring her head down as she felt even more displeased. Hopefully, she is assigned to a lesser authority. But it was doubtful. 

A room, her chambers, if you can even call it that. It seemed like it was becoming smaller each time she entered this room. There were a few things she kept in her room. Mavka stared at her thin blanket that resembled paper. Uncomfortable but at this point, useful. 

Mavka crouched down to her bed's height, grabbing the sheets she began to tore tiny markings on the covers as she began to write with her fingers. But this proved to be unhelpful. She wanted to lay her ideas and thoughts onto a surface. Out in front of her that she could see every time. Nothing in her grasp seemed practical, so she had to use her brain at the moment. 

Now she had something intriguing to focus on. 

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