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Mavka could feel the balance of the glass shift side to side on the tray. It's jittery. It's just a cup.

She gracefully and calmly went on her merry way as a couple of stormtroopers dashed in front of her; sprinting off to the corridor on her right. Mavka groaned in annoyance but proceeded through the briefing room's entrance.

Mavka entered the room and again that same feeling returned. The room felt like it was towering over her, the space all around her was getting bigger she thought. This anxiety was pathetic, unnecessary and something she shouldn't submit herself to. Diligently she approached the General but he was busy spouting the fiery impulses of his commandments. She quietly distances herself from him then waited until he noticed her presence.

"——No part of any Resistance cell should partake in any of our outposts or station. Demand order and destroy those who even come in contact with the Resistance! I can't have any pests lingering around our existence!" General Hux was venting greatly. His desires were grand and colossal. Wishing all those who don't follow by the First Order; death and destruction.

He calmed down for a moment before he finally noticed Mavka in the same room with the refreshment he had requested a while ago. Hux gestured his finger at her to indicate that he needed his beverage. Quickly she approached him.

Her feet grazed each other, not enough space made her head steady and clear. She should've taken the glass of the tray first but she didn't, instead, she let it slip onto the edge to which caused the glass cup to collapse entirely on the ground. Shattering near their feet, the liquid splattering everywhere.

What a waste, what a paltry display.

The impact made Mavka's heart drop and made Hux feel utterly appalled and irritated by the horrendous situation.

"Ein... You are pathetic." He spat. The look in his eyes was filled with strong aggravation. The General scowled at her as she crouched down.

"——Sorry I—" Mavka stammered as she quickly tried to do the right thing. Hux stared in blank fury; it was almost like he was caught in the moment, something reminding him of this situation from long ago. A frail, weak sniveling little bastard boy. The shattered glass, the pathetic weeping, and the disapproving eyes of charred superiors.

It all was so similar and it felt like forever ago.

General Hux closed his eyes, pursed his lips as his eyes began to darken at her.

"Such a waste." He said. "Lick it off the floor."

Mavka raised her head at him in puzzlement. Was he serious?

He stomped his foot on the ground commanding her to do it.
Mavka heeded his command and slowly lowered her head onto the ground like a begging vagrant of desperation. She barely opened her mouth, refused to make contact with the dirty mess.

"Enough." Said the General. Mavka stopped to his word and carefully stood from the ground.

"I don't have time to rebuke a harrowingly, brainless girl who cannot even carry a glass properly to her SUPERIOR!" Hux's endless berate ended with a harsh exhale, finally choosing to calm himself. Mavka was tightened with discomfort, her posture began to melt watching the floor as a small cleaning droid met with her feet; mopping the mess on the ground. Everyone in the whole room just sat in silence as know they were all silently judging her. A freak humiliated like every other incompetent being in this place.

Hux glared at her departing soul.

"I'll deal with you later..." he says. 

Reverence (OCxGeneralHux)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu