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The scenery shone as she traveled to hyperspace, finally relaxing after the chase had ceased. She took the time to reflect on her past doings, contemplating to pass the time.

Beaming streaks across the hyperspace of a fluttering cerulean luminosity was all she watched throughout the journey, but that led to an unknown conclusion to her next move.

She found herself finally out of hyperspace and arrived in another system of an empty galaxy, or so it would seem. After all this time, she was beginning to hunger and yearned for some beverage that she hadn't received in long periods of time.

Then suddenly, she heard a static sound coming from her intercom, which made her realize that the X-Wings could've possibly followed her through. But why would they go through so much effort just for one little TIE fighter? She let the intercom proceed and could hazily hear a voice coming through.

"-----This is Colonel ----- Alerting any surviving ---- from the Starkiller Base. We are located in the ---- Alder--- system. I repeat --- Alder-- ran -----" Mavka listened intently as the mention of any First Order intelligence. Mavka couldn't make out what they fully meant, something of the Alder---ran the system. She quickly pulled her map on her dashboard and tried locating something called Alder.

The map had too many sectors and systems that she was beginning to search for, but finally, something fit. Then she realized; how can this intercom reach her. Was she already nearby the source? Mavka took a moment to realize that towards the distance was a ship. Finally, something good happened!

Mavka turned on the engine and began thrusting the controls toward the ship. The perspective grew larger and larger, a mega-class star destroyer model, but its class was massive, it was something Mavka hardly noticed in all these years. She hardly traveled through space.

It took a great voyage before she felt a need to stop just a couple of miles apart from the huge ship. Mavka felt uneasy but content at the same time. finally, she grew the courage and continued to veer into an available hangar.

With caution, she navigated her vessel into the hangar and found a spot to land. However, her unexpected arrival raised suspicion throughout the bay. After smoothly settling her ship onboard, she powered off the engine and exited through the door. Mavka felt a sense of relief to be back in a familiar place, free from the vast emptiness of the open galaxy.

She climbed off the platform and was already met with a crowd of stormtroopers and an Officer. The officer walked toward;

"Who are you?" The man raised a puzzling expression, perplexed by her sudden appearance. Here we go again.

Mavka steps forward.

"I am Mavka Ein. Assistant of General Hux."

The officer was amused.

"I highly doubt that. Guards!" He ordered the troopers to move, suddenly apprehending her. Mavka struggled at an immense pace.

"Call him! I give you my ID. It is no lie!" Mavka continued to protest, but the sniveling smirk and doubt filled the officer's face.

"No General would even consider employing an alien. It's preposterous!" The officer chuckled as he turned around to see a familiar figure of chromium.

"Captain Phasma! Splendid timing. Get this folly girl—"

"Release her." The stormtroopers loosened their grips around Mavka, needing their Captain's orders.

"Pardon...?" His tone rose in disbelief at the sudden command of the great Captain Phasma. Mavka felt at ease just seeing them again.

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