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Traveling back to the Supremacy, A capital ship built on a nearly unimaginable scale, the Supremacy is a vast flying wing more than 60 kilometers wide. For some reason, Mavka missed it. She held her shoulder, making sure her wounded clavicle wasn't bleeding too much from the punctures After some time, the transport shuttle landed in the main hangar of the capital ship The General was always the first one to leave, stood near the shuttle's exit as a ramp was elevated for him. 

He was greeted by several Imperial officers, Commanders, and a few Colonels soon followed by Captain Phasma and a wounded Mavka. 

"General Hux, we've heard about the turmoil. Thank goodness you are still standing." Said one of the imperial officers. Hux turned to him and said, "It's been a tormenting experience. All that matters is that I am here. We'll resume our duties." 

"Yes sir," said the officer, saluting.

On the shuttle, Mavka stood next to General Hux trying to console herself. She had a haunted look in her eyes. Hux noticed her faltering stance, gesturing a nearby trooper to his side, "Escort her to the medical bay." 

"Yes General." The stormtrooper complied with the General's wishes and accompanied Mavka out of the hangar and down the main hallway of the Supremacy. Through the ship, the stormtrooper led Mavka to the nearest medical bay. Mavka was examined by one of the ship's physicians. 

The doctor was a medical droid that cleaned and sutured her wound. It also scanned her to search for other injuries. It was a quick fix but Mavka's injury left her sore but cleaned and with only a slight loss of blood. Rest was not doable to Mavka, she yearned for it but she had to return to her tasks When she exited the medical bay, Mavka was greeted by a female Imperial officer who was much older and had a stoic expression 

"Ein?" She said Mavka nodded, "Yes?" "I assumed you've ministered? General Hux has asked for your presence in his office." The woman commanded.

"Okay," Mavka said, nodding.

The woman left Mavka alone for her venture and soon, she traveled around the shop until she arrived at Hux's office. The door promptly opened, she walked in and noticed Hux was busy examining a datapad, ignoring Mavka. Mavka felt gauche due to the recent set of circumstances on the station. General Hux had been fuelled by annoyance for a long duration and Mavka couldn't stop thinking about the time she spilled that drink that was meant for him. Hux noticed her standing there

"Good you're here." He stood up from his desk to properly engaged with her. "How's your wound?" He asked. But before Mavka could reply he said, "Never mind. I can see that it's already healing. What took you so long?" 

Mavka was taken aback by the General's abruptness. She looked at her wrist command said, "I got lost." He exhaled but said nothing. Mavka was deep in thought and decided to confront him about something. "General. About the spill...-" He interrupted her and said, "You're still on about that? It was an insignificant error on your part." There was a bit of silence between them but the General broke it "Now that you're here. I've noted your... bravery back on the station. Normally I wouldn't care. But you aren't a trooper and it isn't your job to die for the First Order. So, I've acknowledged your commitment to my well-being." Mavka let out a timid smile but kept it small 

"Anything else. You need?" She asks, hoping for an out. He said, "No. That'll be all." He stood up, dismissing her from his presence. Before she could leave his office he stopped her, 

"Hold on. You are required to be present later on on the bridge. We've learned new intel of the resistance." Mavka nodded and left the office where she wandered the shop aimlessly Mavka took this opportunity to rest up for a bit, she headed into her quarters where she planted herself against the bed There was a loud alarm so loud that it rang through her ears. It was a call that was sent to her, notifying her that she was needed on the bridge alongside General Hux. 

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