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General Hux left the bridge shortly. As always, Mavka trailed behind him where they headed to the main hangar, yet this one was far larger than the main one. This is where the many stormtroopers' presence and where the many products of the First Order were built in. It was almost overwhelming for her, knowing just how much the First Order had possessed. They had everything in large quantities, including many of the best and brightest minds that the First Order could get. 

There was no sign of the Resistance but, there was an unseemly person alongside them, guarded by dozens of stormtroopers. Assuming that it was the thief who was accompanying the resistance. He had scuffed facial hair, dark hair, and droopy eyes. He glanced at Mavka, staring at her. It was perhaps because it was strange that the First Order had someone like her so out in the open. A blue alien among them.

She noticed his glares but quickly looked away as General Hux was in the course of the thieve's eyesight. Hux loomed over him, parading in his formal stance. 

"I assume you are the thief?" 

"DJ." He greeted, 


"The name is DJ." He said. Hux didn't seem interested. "As if it matters. Thief." Hux walked off but the thief was keen on his agreement with them. "We still have... our agreement? I give you details of the Resistance for my... freedom and payment?" 

Hux turned around and glared at him. "Let us see..." Replied Hux. Finally after that exchange between the two different groups. 

Captain Phasma entered the main hangar, leading a group of stormtroopers that had apprehended two individuals. Assuming that these two were part of the Resistance; Rose Tico and Finn. Both of them were disgusted by First Order military uniforms. They tried to stay undercover but the First Order security managed to find suspicion in the two of them.

Hux had placed himself in the open, intrigued yet somewhat angered at the two of the Resistance. He had pure hatred for them. The two stormtroopers shoved them onto their knees. General Hux slowly approached one of them; the man who was kept on his knees. 

Hux pursed his lips as his hand suddenly clashes with the man's face, slapping him across the cheek. 

"Well done, Phasma." Said, Hux. Captain Phasma turned their head, "Your ship and payment, as we agreed." 

A couple of imperial officers rolled out a crate of unknown goods, payment for the thief who calls himself DJ. He comes out, acknowledging the prize was given, slowly taking a glimpse of the two Resistance members on their knees. He seemed to be saddened by his actions. Rose Tico, the woman that was bounded grew in anger by the sudden betrayal. 

"You lying snake!" She hissed as blundered in her bonds. They must've thought they were close with him or something... On the other hand, General Hux was smiling, amused by the situation as he watched the girl struggle. 

"We got caught," said the thief, shrugging at his deplorable actions, "I cut a d-d-deal."

 "Wait,...cut a deal with what?" Questioned Finn. 

"Sir, we checked on the information from the thief. We ran a decloaking scan, and sure enough, 30 Resistance transports have just launched from the cruiser." A fellow imperial officer came forward, bearing the intel to General Hux. 

Hux was truly pleased, "He told us the truth." approaching alongside Captain Phasma he continued, "Will wonders never cease?" The girl muttered, "No". 

Then it was time. "Our weapons are ready?" asked Hux. "Ready and aimed, sir." The General took one last glance at the two Resistance members, "Fire at will." 

"NO!" The girl exclaimed, tears running down her cheek. Now that the First Order was given full details of the Resistance's objectives, it was time for them to fire. On Mavka's datapad, she managed to see a glimpse of the main resistance cruiser. 30 of their transports were slowly being shot down, one by one. General Hux took one last glance at the two Resistance, "Execute them."

 "Yes, General." Phasma heeded his command as General Hux left the main hangar. 

On their way to the bridge, Mavka followed him around until she noticed that he was frequently clearing his throat. Yes, it was a minor thing but even though he maintained his appearance on the outside, he didn't maintain much of his interior. The bags under his eyes was noticeable but what about on the inside?

"Do you... need something, General?" Inquired Mavka. "No.-" He said. "What made you ask?" 

"I know you do not... care for yourself. Nourishment, sleep." Said Mavka, unsure if she should bother him about his lack of rest. Rest wasn't something he could easily acquire. his time was always occupied, always busy, and attentive to his job. The General wasn't pleased by her comment as she's was starting to be a bothersome and distracting individual. 

"Ein, need I remind you that I don't need your concern for my wellbeing." Said Hux in a stern voice, "I am the General of the First Order. I have enough difficulty concentrating as it is." Nevertheless, Hux left the area but Mavka did not follow this time.

It was in her nature to be concerned and somewhat caring, it was something she had ever since she was a youngling. But that trait wasn't so appreciated in the First Order. 

They were a harsh, callous group with no concern for others. Returning to the bridge pit, Hux hurried his way inside where Captain Peavey was watching the Resistance expire one by one.

"Sir, the Resistance cruiser's preparing to jump to light speed." One of the commanders in the below deck informed the Captain. Peavey turned to the General who appeared beside him, "They're just trying to pull our attention away. Pathetic." Hux then continued, "Keep your fire on the transports." 

It seemed that certain events were going well for the time being. Mavka quickly gathered herself to the nearest canteen She was constantly by Hux's side that she didn't refresh her needs when they were required. Mavka didn't want to take her time, so she took supplements and hurried her way back onto the bridge, eager to see the downfall of the Resistance Mavka carried a to-go cup, a beverage that she kept with her after attending the canteen. 

Her curiosity grew, her eyes darting off into her far end as she concentrated on the figure of General Hux standing at the end of the bridge pit. The General and the Captain watched the view outside the fleet. The Resistance cruiser they've been eyeing for hours had turned to face them.

 The tension on the bridge was suddenly turning intense as Captain Peavey shoved aside the General, "No!" He exclaimed, an expression of worry on his face. The General suddenly turned to the command deck, shouting from the top of his lungs, "Fire on that cruiser!!" 

There was no time to think as the only thing that Mavka and the others saw was the Resistance cruiser zooming towards them. No noise, no time to react or evade. The galaxy was still and quiet for just a second. 

Then, everything exploded. 

A blinding light burst into existence, engulfing half of the fleet. The air turned to fire, and the ground under their feet erupted.

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