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The General decided to use this time to relax despite being a representative for the First Order, hardly getting any rest. Even though the First Order made some advances in the war, the loss of the first few battles was very costly. The damage he received from supreme Leader Snoke seemed minor from the outside but it was growing a bit sore now. Hux never let anything show, nothing that would make him appear weak, but he was growing tired. 

He was currently in his chambers, a dark room, clean and decent in size. Yet, he knew he was meant to be in a much grander place. Hux had a very specific task. His mind went on, contemplating the success of the First Order and how much he yearned for it. All he wanted was to be one top, ridding all the vermin of the resistance and removing Kylo Ren. The First Order was a force to be reckoned with. 

Things were rough and some weren't, he thought about Mavka and her curious behaviors, traits and overall being. She proved to be a nuisance but sometimes competent, yet sometimes not. The way she'd react to orders given to her, the things she'd say, they all seemed to be beyond her years. He had her followed and kept track of her, for his purposes. He couldn't stop thinking about the time in the station, even though she was completely inadequate, Mavka lead a surprising amount of courage resulting in him to his existence today. Was she being caring or just doing her job? The girl even impressed him despite his best efforts to the contrary. He didn't understand her and he didn't like it. He didn't like not understanding her at all. 

The General stood up and went to his window, looking out. The galaxy was barren and cold. 

There was an indiction outside his door, someone ringing into his room. Clearing his throat and adjusting his hair, he approached the door of his chambers. 

To his surprise, Mavka Ein appeared. She stood outside his door with her hands clasped before her. "Yes, what is it?" He said, not used to seeing her outside of their briefings."Captain Peavey wanted me to say... that the resistance is making transport shuttles." 

General Hux was intrigued and promptly left his chambers, attending to the bridge pit once again General Hux hurried his way towards the bridge, nothing has changed dastardly but he wanted to see the progress at close-hand. 

"Well, Captain?" he said, eager to see more. Peavey looked at the General and said, "As we predicted the resistance struggles."Excellent." Later on, information became spouting to Mavka's intel. 

Kylo Ren had his duties and objectives. The girl, the one with the force known as Rey was soon to come aboard the ship willingly There wasn't much that Mavka knew about Kylo or Rey, or the situation between them, it was a battle between the Sith and the Jedi, only Mavka had to tend to the First Order. The war continued. General Hux was a competent leader but he was still a man of passion. It was a weakness, a flaw. It would be his undoing one day. 

"---What of Kylo Ren?" Stated Hux. Mavka explained, "Kylo Ren and... the girl. She will be boarding here... soon." General Hux seemed uninterested, "Kylo Ren has his duties to tend to. Let's hope he does not ruin this for all of us." Mavka examined the hologram display of the resistance cruiser, it would appear that they have begun unleashing their transport shuttles in hopes of escaping. 

"Well," said the General, "Look at that, they're trying to escape. " Hux said as a sharp grin glazed across his face, Mavka was notified about something on her datapad, new intel of an incoming intruder given by an imperial officer.

"General," she approached him and showed that they come in contact with a thief that had bypassed the ship's shields, entering the fleet with some resistance members. Hux's eyes widened, intrigued by this information. 

"It appears that this... thief is in league with them. --What should we do?" Questioned Mavka. General Hux thought about it for a moment, pleased with this opportunity. 

"Make a deal with them. Thieves are nothing but greedy scoundrels willing to do anything for more. Notify Captain Phasma."Mavka nodded. "Yes, General." Mavka proceeded with his command. 

Hux couldn't help but smirk, "The resistance is so desperate that they are willing to risk their standing alongside some petty thief." It almost seemed that he wanted to burst out laughing but he kept his composure. This new information almost seemed to pacify Hux. He almost felt sorry for the resistance. Almost. He was beginning to become pleased with the situation that they are in, yet, Mavka wasn't sure if this was a better mood for him or not.

The battle continued as the raining barrage stabbed at the main cruiser's shield.

Captain Peavey examined the hologram displaying the main cruiser of the Resistance.

"That was the last of their support ships." Said the Captain, "It's just their main cruiser now.", the Captain approached General Hux who watched the show go on.

"And their fuel reserve?" Said, Hux.

"By our calculations... critical." 

One by one, they perish, slowly the resistance was disappearing. All that was left was the main cruiser. Hux stood calmly, surveying the carnage. 

"Ein. Keep me posted on the intruders." Said, General Hux. She nodded, Mavka kept tabs on any changes that may conspire. 

They watched as the main cruiser was repeatedly assailed with the barrage, gradually observing the end of the resistance. Half an hour had passed and finally, they got word from the thief. Them being caught was the downfall for keeping the resistance spies undercover. With a decent deal between them, the thief negotiated a ship and money in exchange for the resistance spies. The thieves ship was a small transport, hard-used and showing signs of battle, but operational nonetheless. The thief later revealed that the resistance spies were identified as Rose Tico and Finn. 

 "Finn?" General Hux said in perplexity. Captain Phasma was present in the bridge contacting them through the communication hologram, establishing her duties to him. 

"FN-2187. One of our own now calls himself by that name." Hux groans, unsettled now knowing who exactly was the one that had betrayed the First Order. "This Finn was the traitor of the First Order?", Phasma nodded to his remark, "No matter. We have them in our grasp, nevertheless. Find them. Until you do. I'll gladly have a chat with him." 

The hologram of Phasma shut off. Things were getting good for the First Order. Hux turned to Mavka, recalling the time when she had a chat with Captain Peavey. He was curious to know the reasons for their little private conversation.

"Ein," He called her, "I recall your little conversation with Captain Peavey. What was it regarding?" 

She gaped blankly into his eyes, "Nothing, sir." she answered. But, Hux knew she was lying, trying to be coy with him. 

"Do you deny having a conversation?" he asked. 

"No, sir." 

"Then what is it you wish to conceal?" he asked. 

"Acquaintances. We become acquaintances, is all." Hux raised a brow, not fond of her coquettishness. 

"Do not be coy with me, Ein. You are to tell me anything regarding me or the mission. The Captain is not interested in conversance." Keeping an eye on him she said, "How do you know if it regarded... you?"Hux's eye's narrowed, "... I can sense it. Now tell me. That is an order." 

Mavka paused before speaking, looking at the distance of the bridge, "Captain is... he think your lack of understanding of... is-- troublesome..." Mavka had a hard time saying it properly, she was afraid that would frustrate him more with her vague answer but hoped it was sufficient to his interpretation. 

"My lack of understanding?" He said, utterly baffled. She offered a weak smile and looked down.

"The ship tactics.-- Perhaps..." "Ship--- tactics? Even if he is the captain of this fleet. I remain as the General. I'll have a word with him.--" General Hux rushed over across the bridge to confront Captain Peavey. Before he could approach him... 

"General!" Exclaimed Mavka. He stopped in his tracks before he could speak a word to Peavey. Annoyed, he turned to her, sore and intolerant, "What is it?!" 

"They've caught them. The resistance spies." She said, her voice trembling. 

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