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In the corridors, we remained. The General showed imminent patience during the few minutes. Mavka slowly felt like she was decaying from the inside. At that longing intensity from inside was breaking apart, aching from her desire to do what she wanted. But she kept forgetting she was working for the First Order.

They appeared to be waiting inside a briefing room. A large room that was so dark, accented by the First Order's liking to something menacing and ominous. 

Mavka pouted as she was leaning against the wall, waiting for Baise. Finally, approaching steps came forward. The door shifted open at the reveal of the old Lieutenant. The determining trouble begins. 

Lieutenant Baise stops in his tracks as a few stormtroopers came by his side. His eyes loosens, the constant irritation melted away from his character. Being faced with the General seemed to have removed his furrowed facade. He stopped.

"--G-General Hux. A delight to see you." Baise's words seem to stutter, but he attempts to keep himself potent and disciplined. Mavka's mind flashed for a moment, the name "General Hux" had entered her mind. She had heard that name before but she sadly had not thought of meeting the commanding officer of the First Order. 

"Spare the pleasantries, Lieutenant." He looms over the Lieutenant, the poor old man tucks in his breath by the encounter. "Your authority seems to be ineffective." 

"-What is it you mean, sir?" Baise questions. General Hux rolls his eyes at his question. Then points absurdly at Mavka. 

"This technician seems to lack discipline. Do you have no control over your workers?" General Hux's tone begins to boil, rising in irritation. Baise's mouth quivers as he scowls at Mavka with disgust. Entirely pestered at this confrontation. He probably detests being faced by the General. Then, Baise purses his lips. 

"She is clearly disturbed, General. Stormtroopers found her suddenly unconscious while working at her post. Now I am told she has wandered off to the corridors." Baise states his information as they both glare at Mavka. Mavka refuses to look back at them and continues to lower her eyes to the ground. 

The General turns to her. 

"Remove your helmet." He orders. Mavka deliberately raises her head. She does not say anything, nor does she concede his order. Yes, she heard him correctly but did not want to comply. The silence occupied the room for a while. The General did not have the patience to tolerate this behavior and situation. This was hardly his concern. But Mavka's behavior irritated him.  

General Hux gestures to the stormtroopers, commanding them to do the removal for her. When they approached her, Mavka struggled a bit, trying to escape their grasp. They were rough, grabbing her by the arms and immediately removing her helmet as soon as the pressure off her head was relinquished. Mavka withdrew, pitifully covering her face, stooping her head into the shadows. But the light still caught up with her. The troops took hold of her, forcefully facing the General and Lieutenant.

They both looked at her with inadequate astonishment. But that expression disappeared as it was left with revulsion.

"...-An alien?" General Hux spoke with confusion and disgust. Lieutenant blankly stared in disbelief. 

"I-I was unaware of this General," Baise said.

"Clearly." General Hux replied with bitter cynicism. He approached Mavka with regard, glaring at her. "Check if she is registered in our system. She could be a mole for all we know." General Hux ordered the stormtroopers. It took a few minutes until one stormtrooper found some information. They handed a datapad and promptly showed the General the information. 

"According to the datapad, it seems that she is a registered employee of the First Order, stationed at 31 ABY. She started off as a Death Trooper recruit, but was later demoted to the position of a technician." The General looks over the information on the datapad and expresses disdain at what he reads.

He hands over the datapad back to the trooper. Then approaches Mavka. He took one frown. Mavka couldn't hold the tension in his eyes. Glimpsing at him here and there. Faltering by the close contact.  

"Lieutenant." General Hux says. He turns to the man. 

"Yes, General?" Baise replies.

Suddenly, the General's expression turns grim and vexed.

"I am displeased by your authority. The girl clearly has not been met with the recognition of the General." He states.

"Sir?" Baise blankly says. 

"Do you not understand that I have pressing matters to deal with? This is unacceptable. Truly out of regulation." General Hux gazes at the man. He seems to be sweating profusely. Immense heat seemed to be growing inside his skin. Something just seemed so nerve-wrecking. The General raises his brow. Then he sighs.

"Lieutenant?" He questions in misfortune. General Hux takes a glance around the room. His vexing concern drops. Now he is utterly irritated. He sighs and begins to equip a blaster from his sidearm. 

So, he shoots. The blast kills Lieutenant Baise. His body falls stiff and heavy along the ground. The result causes Mavka to jolt from the sudden event. General Hux puts back his blaster, an irked expression laid bare on his face.

"Doddering old fool." The General murmured bitterly. "Remove the body this instant." He commanded the stormtroopers. Then he went to face her. Mavka's sour face. She denied making eye contact with him. Now she knew she was next in line. 

"Now, to deal with you

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"Now, to deal with you." He said. "Do you know who I am?" The General questions. His eyes furrow deeply at her. Mavka keeps her eyes away from him, looking away like a stubborn child. Her mouth gradually opens so she may speak.

"...The General," Mavka spoke softly.

"The General?!" He scoffs madly. He could almost laugh at her wretched answer. But he was instead in disbelief of how little knowledge she had of his prestige. Mavka bared silent, and she continued to wear that sour expression on her face. This behavior was growing on him now. A vexed grimace was worn on his. Then suddenly, he began to grasp her Lekku. 

Mavka's blank expression quickly vanished as she was howling in pain. It was becoming highly unbearable, and so she raised her head towards him, aggressively headbutting him to his jaw. 

"--Ack!" The General gasped in shock as he held his now injured jaw.

Mavka snarled at his actions. Quickly, the stormtroopers surrounded her - belligerently apprehending her now. 

"You do not touch!" Mavka spat. 

The General's eyes were now filled with pain and anger. The hue of red spilled out of him. Before he could say anything. The door opened, and light poured into the room. A young lieutenant appeared in the doorway. 

"General Hux. Supreme Leader Snoke requires your presence in the assembly room." The General pauses for a moment, incurring the injury he received. 

"Very well." He replied. The General adjusted his jaw. The fire in his eyes still lingered as he took a glance at Mavka. He was now on his way out. Mavka glared back. The hollowness in her eyes gave no regret or concern. 

"Have her sent to the cells. I'll deal with this later." 

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