Chapter 14- When You Wish Upon A Star

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Disclaimer: I do not own Smosh or Smosh Games.

PS: Be sure to go to the next part of this story, where the summary of my Anthony fanfiction is! :) x


I think it's time to celebrate.

I finally made a Twitter and Instagram account!

It began when I reminded Ian and Anthony that they were late for work- again. We had a good, full meal for breakfast, played a few video games and as always, we argued.

But soon enough, Ian and Anthony were away at work, and thankfully, I was trusted enough to be alone and take care of the house.

After some cleaning and chatting with our neighbor over some midday snacks, I headed back to the Smosh house and pulled out my computer, only thinking I'd log into Facebook.

I clicked Like on the Smosh page and scrolled through their feed. It was mostly filled with shared articles from the Smosh Pit, but occasionally, I encountered some shared viral videos.

Soon enough, I decided that over-scrolling through the Smosh page was enough for one day, until I stumbled upon something that a girl named Sam posted on their wall.

It was multiple pictures of me and Ian in the Disney Resort, and not many of them were... friendly.

Let's just say, our hands were always intertwined and my face wasn't seen in some pictures, due to the fact that Ian's face was basically on mine.

There were over two thousand likes and over a thousand comments.

Word got around that we were more than friends, huh?

Surprisingly, most of the comments didn't care who I was. All the comments seemed to be looking for a girl named Mel.

Fed up with this 'Mel' sheisa, I decide to open the Google start page and start my investigation- er, research. I typed in:

Ian Hecox Mel

Stupid thing to type in, I know. But that's all I knew about her. I know that she's somehow related to Ian and that her name is Mel- Heck, I don't know if her real name is Mel.

So many things popped up, you can't even imagine. Pictures, videos, and gossip articles filled my screen. One article title read: Melanie Moat- Ian Hecox' Girlfriend.


I don't believe this.

We're dating, right? This isn't just some figment of my imagination... It can't be.

I clicked more and more articles, reading through each article twice, just to be sure I wasn't hallucinating or my brain wasn't just making things up.

It seems that they broke up just recently, but they've dated for seven straight years.


Fuck. To think, you would've already gotten married if you've been together for seven years!

But damn, was Melanie Moat an amazing girl. After reading some articles, I have found out that not only was she Ian's ex-girlfriend, but she was once also a writer for Smosh. That's how they met. Through Smosh forums.

And surprisingly, I even find myself laughing at a number of her vlogs.

Damn, she was the perfect package. She was funny, she was beautiful, she was an extremely talented person.

How can I compete with her?

She's cool, I'm a dork. She can make Ian happy, all I do is argue with him. She can do so many things, while I'm a stupid princess-

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