Chapter 5- So Close

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Today was the big day, Kalel’s wedding. I was at the fanciest hotel in Sacramento and once again in the Presidential Suite with the same people: Carol, Jane, Meghan, Mari and Kalel. We decided to have a sleepover so we could all get ready and go to the venue together.

 It’s been a blast so far, my stay here. It was great that I got to spend time with actual girls and not just my maids and dolls. We shared secrets, taught each other some of our talents, gossiped, and basically bonded. 

 I have not seen Anthony lately, as he, Ian and all the other groomsmen decided to go camping for Anthony’s bachelor party. They’re expected to come back today, and get ready in the Smosh house.

 Speaking of Ian, I have avoided him since the night of Kalel’s bridal shower. Honestly, I’m confused. One moment he’s a jerk, the next he’s extremely sweet (or at least trying to be sweet). And, I don’t know, I haven’t exactly confirmed my feelings for him because of his bi-polar moments, which makes me wonder: If I was in a relationship with him, would he be like this or the exact opposite? 

 Yes, there has been a lot on my mind, most of them, sadly, about Ian.

 No, I have not told a single soul on my thoughts and problems, because it would be fucking embarrassing.

 Speaking of embarrassing, I was extremely nervous about walking down the aisle with someone during the wedding, that I would trip and face plant on the floor, and that I would pull my partner in the entourage on to the floor with me. That would be fucking embarrassing. I was wearing heels, for crying out loud! When I wore heels, I’d be clumsier than anyone in this world.

 Whoever he is (Kalel didn’t want to tell me who I was walking down with), let’s just hope he’s stable enough to keep me up on my feet the whole time of walking down the aisle.

 I woke up the first out of the six of us. I decided to make us a healthy and organic breakfast so that we’d be able to have the perfect, bright day.

 After making the food, Mari came out of the room (I shared one out of the three bedrooms with her), looking as horrible as me.

 “Morning, Mari.” I greeted, meeting her eyes for a second then going back to preparing the table.

 “Hey…” Mari mumbled as she groggily sat on her seat at the table.

 "So, today’s the big day, eh?”

 "Yeah, although I’m not exactly comfortable with walking with Phil Lester down the aisle.”

 This surprised me. “How come you know whom you’re walking down the aisle with?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Besides, Phil Lester is fucking attractive.”

 “I don’t know, I just want Peter to walk with me, but you know… He and Anthony aren’t that close.”

  “It’s only for a few seconds and pictures, Mari. Most girls would die to be in your place.” Meghan said, as she walked into the dining room, trying her hair up into a bun.

 “Good morning, Meghan.” I greeted.

 “Hey, Nate.” Meghan smiled, sitting down with us.

 “Do you know whom you’re walking down the aisle with?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

 “Yeah, Joey Graceffa…” Meghan said, nodding.

 I opened my mouth in shock. “Did Kalel tell you, or do you just assume…?”

 "Kalel told me, why?”

 “She didn’t tell me, ugh!” I groaned, face palming my self. “Maybe I don’t know the guy…” I shrugged.

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