Chapter 16- Be Our Guest

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Disclaimer: I do not own Smosh, Smosh Games, RHPC or Dan and Phil.

Now, I present to you, Chapter 16! Enjoy!


I was shocked, to say the least.

I was pissed, sure, but my surprise was so strong, that the anger was able to subside for now.

I barely acknowledged the people who crowded me to greet me a happy birthday. I gave only half-hearted replies and insincere words of gratitude because my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of searching the room for the two people I hated most at the moment.

Ian and Anthony.

They were in the back of the room, grinning at me all the way from where they were. I gave them a swift, cold glare before returning to thank people for attending the unexpected celebration. There were people I knew, people I was acquainted with, and people I didn't even know. Nonetheless, I thanked them for coming.

Finally, after pushing through the crowd, I made my way to the back of the room, about to bash out and scream at the two idiots who were annoyingly proud of their work.

I glared at them as I approached, but Ian and Anthony grinned, grabbed both my hands and dragged me all the way to the other side of the room. There stood a big stage and a bunch of mini stages beside it, all exhibiting different decorations.

"What is this?" I asked them with a slightly pissed tone.

"Well, we all know how much you want to travel the world and explore it," Anthony started. "but your dad wouldn't want that, and neither would Ian because he loves you too much,"

"And we can't exactly afford to bring you everywhere, obviously," Ian continues beside me, chuckling.

"So for your birthday, we're bringing the world to you!" They both exclaim, motioning to the different mini-stages aligned.

Once we got closer to the stages and I could see the decorations clearly, I noticed that the mini-stages weren't exactly stages. They were booths, and each of them contained various things of a certain country and culture.


I've got to admit, that's pretty fucking awesome. And to think, it's my birthday, so Ian, Anthony and the rest of the Crew did this for only me, right?

I was awestruck. I looked like a fish out of water. I looked for words to say, but nothing came to mind. After at least five minutes of mindless gaping, I came up with a 'smart' response. "Ian... Anthony..." I managed to blurt.

The two laughed at my surprise and awe and hugged my sides.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Ian grinned and pulled me towards the booth farthest in the corner.

"This is awesome!" I exclaimed, running to the first booth manned by Sohinki. "Hey, Matt!" I grinned, waving at him.

"'Ello, Natalie! Happiest of birthdays to you!" Sohinki replied with his version of a British accent.

"Are you making fun of my accent? You can at least try to work a little harder and make it sound more authentic, Matt." Dan suddenly interrupts, startling us all by appearing out of nowhere, with Phil showing up right after.

"Yeah, man. You sound like a weird mix of Irish and Indian... With some goat," Phil interjects teasingly.

I burst out laughing at Dan and Phil's criticism and Sohinki's denial, as I step into the booth, marveling at the detail and objects all around it. There were British food, British toys and even little replicas of the many tourist destinations of England. As I toured the little, crammed booth and munched on the dishes England could offer, Sohinki told me about the many things England could offer, with Dan and Phil correcting him every now and then.

Spellbound {Smosh}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora