Chapter 10- A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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"Nate!" Everyone from Smosh Games and RHPC exclaim as I exit the infirmary room and enter the infirmary lobby.

Ryan was the first to step up and hug me. "Oh gosh, Nate, you're alive!" He exclaims gladly, creepily stroking my hair as we hugged. "I got worried when Ian called us while we were in line for the Jungle Cruise."

"So, you didn't feel worried until Ian called? What did you feel before that" I ask, detaching myself from Ryan. "Moreover, what did you think we were doing, if not fighting?"

Ryan shrugged. "I don't know, making out behind Cinderella Castle or something."

I gave him a disgusted look and blushed. "Ryan!"

"What?" He asked in amusement. I walked up to him threateningly until he squeaked and ran behind Sean.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you actually did that though." Flitz shrugs, walking up to hug me.

"You gave us quite a scare, dude." Wes adds, coming over to hug me. "When Ian called, Lasercorn thought of the worst thing possible."

I looked over at Lasercorn who was looking down at his feet, cheeks slightly tinted. "Aw, Lasercorn, you care!" I exclaim happily before walking over to hug him.

"Don't ever scare me like that again, okay, Nate?" Lasercorn asked me. "Please, Ian may be your boyfriend now, but that doesn't mean I don't care for you."

I lightly blushed and looked to Ian imagining if he actually was my boyfriend, "I don't know about that..." Then I averted my eyes back to Lasercorn. "But thanks, Lasercorn. You're like the older brother I've always but never wanted." I smiled gratefully.

Lasercorn laughed and kissed my forehead in reply. "Welcome to the family?" He said in the form of a question.

I giggled and hugged him once more. "Thanks for trying, Lasercorn." I laughed, tip-toeing to pat the top of his head. After doing this, I walked back to the center of our little group (which was quieter than normal) and asked, "Just because I got in a minor accident does not mean we can't have fun anymore. What next, Crew?"

"Actually," A new voice appeared from behind us. We all turned around to see that Mari and Sohinki were finally back. "I think it's time to get back to the hotel and change into something a little more fancy." Mari smirks, crossing her arms.

I cocked my head to the side, "Why?" I ask in confusion.

"Well, Smosh Games has just reached ten million subscribers, so I think it's time to celebrate." Sohinki smirks also, this time walking over to us casually.

"Uh," I say uncomfortably. "You guys go ahead, I'll hang with Ryan for the rest of the night since I'm not part of Smosh Ga-"

"NO!" Mari and Sohinki cut me off very alarmingly. I gasp in surprise at their mini outburst and take a step back.

"I mean," Mari says more calmly this time, "you're sort of a part of Smosh Games now, maybe you could be Anthony's substitute for the next few days while he's still on his honeymoon, right guys?" She asks nervously, looking to each and every member of Smosh Games.

Everyone agreed in one way or another. So it was decided, I was forced to go to some fancy-dandy restaurant with the Smosh Games Crew, being Anthony's representative. "Fine..." I sighed reluctantly walking over to Mari. "You owe me big time."

I mean, how dare she intrude on my Disney time?

"Great!" Mari exclaims, acting like she didn't hear the latter part of what I said. "I'll text you guys the details in a while!" She then grabs my hand and drags me back to Main Street to ride the Monorail back to the hotel.

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