EXTRA- I'll Make A Man Out Of You

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Hey there, my lovelies! This part of the book is not exactly a chapter, rather it's an extra. My character, Nate, nor did any of the other characters ever mention it in any way in any other part of the book. BUT! It did happen in the story, I just never included it.

Quick background: These scenes take place after the wedding of Kalel and Anthony, and right before they leave to their honeymoon. Here, you will see a bit more Nate and Anthony cousin-bonding and I hope you'll find it as cute as I did while I wrote it.

Enjoy! xx

PS: The next official chapter of Spellbound is taking quite long to write so please bear with me, friends! :)

PSS: I do not own any of the characters mentioned here, excluding Nate, nor do I own Smosh and Smosh Games.


I sat on the couch, spaced out. My mind was mush, I tell you, because of all the over-thinking I did just before now.

No matter how hard I tried, I could not get Ian out of my mind. I couldn't get his striking blue eyes to leave my mind. I couldn't forget about that pretty little face of his, and let's not even talk about his hair and body. And let's not forget that wedding incident, shouldn't we?

Jesus, I'm sounding like a fangirl now.

Ugh, what is it with Ian that makes him so... likable? I mean, yeah, he's attractive, but I don't know if I have a crush on him, I guess?

Ugh my head is pounding. I really have to stop thinking about-

The front door opens.


Look who's arrived! Ian and Anthony, that's who, with Ian looking oh, so hot. I gulped.

Lord, help me.

"Hey, hey, hey, Nate!" Anthony grins, treading over to where I was seated on the couch. "We brought some food!" He exclaims, motioning over to Ian who places the three humongous bags of food on the dining table.

"Yeah, which I don't understand why I had to carry it by myself." Ian rolled his eyes, walking over to where Anthony and I sat.

To avoid looking at Ian, I ogled at the huge pile of food on the table. "That's... quite a lot of food you've got there." I stated.

"Yeah, since we all know that you love to eat." Ian nodded.

"Are you calling me fat?" I raised my eyebrows as I stood up.

Woah, where did this sudden outburst come from?

"When did I say-?" Ian scrunched his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"...or, is this a challenge?" I smirked, taking a step closer to Ian. "Who can eat the most food in one sitting."

"Loser has to do whatever the winner wants for a week. No limitations or restrictions." Ian said menacingly.

I was about to retort, but Anthony wanted a say in this conversation, too.

"God, just make out already!" Anthony groans, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I managed to hold back my blush and roll my eyes and smack Anthony at the back of his head. "Making out is inappropriate, idiot. That is way out of my boundaries."

Anthony scoffed, "Then kiss."

I gave Anthony a disgusted look and shook my head.

"As if I'd kiss a guy like Ian." I snorted, rolling my eyes as I sat down at the table, already removing the food from their bags. "...If he even is a guy." I smirked.

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