Chapter 19- If I Didn't Have You (Part 2)

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Nate's POV:

Is it hot in this room, or is it just me? Blanket off.

No, wait, it's getting icy cold. Blanket on.

Oh god, it's getting hot again. Blanket off.

What the hell is happening to me? Is this really what happens during a hangover? Jesus christ, it's horrible.

Once I heard the key being thrust into the lock to the door of the Smosh House, I shut my laptop off and sighed.

Guess who's involved in the Phandom now? Me. And they all hate my guts.

I hear hushed voices coming from outside Ian's door, and I close my eyes and try to listen in on the conversation, but to no avail, I couldn't comprehend a thing.

I hear the door to Ian's room open, and I slow my breathing to act like I'm really sound asleep. I feel the side of the bed dip a bit and a person, who is most probably Ian, joining me on the bed.

As much as I want to act 'asleep', I couldn't. The cramps were getting too unbearable, so I silently groan as I flip over and try to make myself comfortable, using various awkward positions that stretch my abdomen.

"What in the world are you doing, Natalie?" Ian asks me as he looks at me and chuckles.

I roll my eyes as I throw my legs over my head and hide my blush. "I'm trying to find a good position to relax my cramps." I answer quickly before asking, "Ian, where are my tampons?"

"They're outside on the dining table." Ian replies, simply scrolling on his phone.

I groan as I struggle to stand up as the room keeps on spinning, and do my best to trudge towards the door. I walk out of the room and enter the living room where I see Anthony playing Smash Bros.

"Hey, dude." Anthony greets me, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Hi." I reply monotonously, grabbing the plastic of tampons off the table.

I was about to walk back into the hallway when Anthony says, "How're you holding up with the little monster in your belly?"

I look at him weirdly, taking in what he said way out of context.

But then he quickly covers, "Not that you're pregnant, but you know... How are you feeling?" He insists.

"Oh, great!" I reply sarcastically, giving him a forced thumbs up.

"And your hangover?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure the worst part of it is over, but I still don't feel too well."

He pauses the game and stands up and turns to face me. He walks toward me, looking at me intently.


"Hangovers shouldn't take a whole day to subside, Nate." Anthony replies seriously, feeling around my forehead and neck. He continues to stare at me as he shouts, "Ian! Can you get the thermometer?"

"The what?" He shouts back.

"The thermometer! And make sure it's sterilized!" Anthony adds as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Your boyfriend can be so deaf sometimes." He jokingly tells me.

"Got it!" Ian says, appearing in the hallway, holding the metal-glass object up. "What do you need it for?"

"Nate's flushed and she says she doesn't feel well." Anthony replies, receiving the thermometer and then says to me, "Open your mouth."

I comply and allow him to place the thermometer under my tongue. I close it around my mouth and immediately taste the cold metal.

The three of us wait for a few seconds in the middle of the living room in silence as the thermometer takes my temperature.

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