Chapter 15- Happy Un-Birthday!

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Those fucking assholes. It was eight a.m. in the morning and I was awoken by loud noises coming from outside my room. It was eight a.m. in the morning. Why the hell am I awake?

I groan and squint my eyes from the blinding sun that shines through my window. Due to the California heat, I'm feel that I'm drenched in sweat, too. To make things worse, drool is also dripping down my chin.

Oh, what a perfect way to start my birthday.

I yawn as turn over on my bed, already knowing that my hair will be as messy as a wasp's nest and also knowing that I shouldn't talk to anyone up close until after I brush my teeth.





I flinched as I once again heard the loud screams coming from outside my room. It should be a rule that no one should shout -or even make noise for that matter- at eight in the morning unless it's an emergency.

What the fuck is going on outside?

Ugh, forgive me and my excessive use of curse words, please. It's my birthday and I'm in a bad mood. Not a very good combination, no?

Believe me, I've tried going back to sleep, but the stupid idiots I call Ian and Anthony were making so much noise outside my room that sleep pretty much seemed impossible.

Why were they even awake at this hour? Usually, I'm the one who wakes them up with loud noises, not them!

Realizing that it was useless to just lay around and cringe to every profanity being shouted from outside, I decide to get up and get dressed for the day.

Oh, I wore nothing special. All I wore were some sneakers, a simple tee and some skinny jeans. I know, I'm such a party pooper, even when it's my own birthday. Whatever.

I then quickly wash my face and brush my teeth, like I do on every normal day.

After that, I hum as I skip out into the living/dining room where I see Ian and Anthony playing Smash Bros, like always, but there are two extra heads present in the Smosh house.

"Dan? Phil?" I ask as my eyes widen with surprise.

"NATE!" the both of them exclaim and immediately jump up to greet and hug me, completely forgetting about the game.

"What in the world are you guys doing here?" I ask, still in shock as Dan comes up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Well, Dan and I have some Youtube stuff to do here in California, so we decided to stop by and say hello!" Phil replies when he hugs me, too.

"Oh," I say as I nod in understanding. Then I notice that my boyfriend and my cousin were staring at me from the couch. "Yes?" I ask them, raising my eyebrows.

"Good morning to you too, Nate." Ian rolls his eyes, pouting and crossing his arms in the process.

I throw my head back and laugh, then I walk over to the couch where I lean over and immediately kiss Ian full on the lips. "Good morning, babe." I grin after I kiss him. "Morning, Ant!" I greet Anthony, who too, was pouting. "Oh come on, I see you guys every single day. Cut me some slack, I haven't seen Dan or Phil since the wedding- Speaking of, why didn't you tell me that these Brits were coming over? I would've tidied things up a bit."

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