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"Ian! I'm gonna get you!" 12-year-old Natalie McNeely, giggled, running on the wet morning grass to catch her best friend, Ian.

"No, you won't!" Ian laughed like a maniac, running ahead of Natalie by a few meters. 

Once Natalie finally caught up to Ian, she hugged him from behind and whispered, "Caught you!" And blew in his ear. "You're it!" Then Natalie let go of Ian and started running the opposite way, laughing crazily. 

And apparently, Natalie wasn't looking as she ran, because she tripped and fell on the sidewalk head first. 

At first Natalie thought she was fine, but as she was trying to get up, she felt an unfamiliar sensation drip from her head, onto the friendship necklace Ian gave her for her twelfth birthday and onto her blue blouse. 


"Nat!" Ian panicked, running over to Natalie, gasping heavily. "Are you okay?"

"What does it look like, douche bag?" Natalie roiled her eyes. 

"Considering you called me a douche bag makes me think you're okay," Ian rolled his eyes and sighed. 

Natalie then felt her head pounding and black blotches appear in her vision. "Call 911.." she whispered. 

"Yeah, yeah, I am!" Ian said, slightly panicking as he fumbled around in his pockets for his cellphone. 

"One more thing.." Natalie whispered. 

"What is it?" Ian worriedly asked. 

"This." Natalie mumbled, slapping Ian lightly on the face. 

And that's when her vision went black. 


I don't know if I was awake or dead, or if I was in some sort of limbo between it, because I couldn't see, or couldn't process anything in my head, but I could hear. 

"Natalie is only twelve! Do you know what your son did to my daughter?" Some man shouted. "He chased her around, causing her to break her skull, put her in a coma, with some expected memory loss!"

"My son's only twelve, too!" Some woman shouted in reply. "They're children, Mister McNeely! They are expected to do stupid things! And it's not mine nor Ian's fault that your daughter wanted to play tag in the park!" 

"You know what? That is it! Get out of this hospital room, and stay away from me and Nat!" The man shouts and I hear a bang.. somewhat like a door slam. 

I hear a sigh and slow breathing next to my bed. "Nat, we're moving away. I want you to be safe and away from the dangers of California and more importantly, that boy Ian. This time, you're only to go to school, never hang out with friends. You are to never leaver the house unless you have a maid go with you and a valid reason for going out. This is because I love you and want you to be safe." 

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