Chapter 18- If I Didn't Have You (Part 1)

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Nate's POV:

For the next few hours of this horrid day, I sat outside Ian's door silently crying my eyes out.

Believe me when I say this, I didn't plan on moving. No matter how hungry, how dizzy and how sick I was feeling, I was to stay put.

I feel like a fucking idiot. I don't want to break up with Ian! It's been only, what, a month and a half?

Our relationship has been going great! Though this may be the only relationship I've ever been in, I'm pretty sure it's the best out there.

Until I became an ungrateful brat.

Now that I think about it, I don't feel like a fucking idiot, I am a fucking idiot.

How am I supposed to make up for all the shit I've caused between us?

Then it hit me.

It might as well be the most immature way of saying sorry, but I feel like it might just work. I stood up and faced his door.


And as expected, no reply.

I quickly knocked six times on his door and then I sang, "Do you wanna build a snowman?

Or ride our bikes around the town?

I think some company is overdue,

I'm really sad, forgive me now?

It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms,

just watching the hours tick by..."

I sigh, "Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman."

Still no response.

"Okay, bye..." I sigh, as I slouch back down on the ground.

More hours sped by, and my stomach was grumbling really loudly right now. The Advil has subsided, and now I'm back to my hungover, painful state.

But still, I was not moving until Ian gave me at least a bit of a response.

I turn around and face the door, pressing my ear against it.

The room was spinning and my ears were buzzing like crazy. Not to mention, monsters have taken over my lower abdomen.

I really need someone to cuddle now.

"Please, I know you're in there..." I croakily sing to the door. "I'm asking where you've been.

They say, have courage, and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you, please let me in... We only have each other... It's just you and me. What am I to do?" I whisper, tears welling in my eyes once again. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Agh, the pain! I groan internally as I crouch down onto the floor into the ever so popular, fetus position.

My stomach was raging now, and I know it might be best to just lie down on my bed, but the floor is where I belonged, and I was in too much pain to get up.

Damn, what did I eat?

Fuck. Fuck it hurts so bad. God help.

"Ian..." I groan quietly as I shut my eyes tight. All I wanted was for him to just hold me in his arms for the rest of the day on a bed, but based on the situation, I highly doubt it's going to go my way.

Well, you did just fuck up, bitch. My inner demon tells me. You deserve to be on the ground.

"Ian..." I groan once more as sleep finally takes over my body. "Please..."

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