HEROES- Preview

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Hey there! Here is the summary to my upcoming Anthony fanfiction!

Do you know how you become so attached to a character, that you can't expect the worst from him/her? Then that horrible feeling when you find out that that character dies and you feel like you can't ever forgive yourself?

Ian and I were standing outside the house, both talking on our cellphones, finally safe and sound from the wildly spreading fire in our house. I called the police and our parents while he called the Fire Department. We thought we were safe, until we heard the mere sound of a bark. We had left our dog, Daisy, in the now burning house.

I meant to run into the house and get her as soon as possible, but Ian held me back. He pushed me to the ground and instead, ran in the house for me.

Neither of the two things I loved most survived the fire. And I was all to blame for that.

I never forgave myself after that. I could barely go out again. Everywhere I looked, each thing I saw, reminded me of either my brother or my dog.

I couldn't go on the internet, either. I either got too much hate, or I'd see Ian's face on a thumbnail, or something like that. What can I say, my brother was one of the most subscribed Youtube channels in the world. He was terribly funny, terribly sweet. He was the one I looked up to all the time.

Now, I just lay in my apartment all the time. I didn't need money, as my brother had tons of money and he provides for the both of us.

I know what you're thinking, though. Even if he's dead now, I still get money. Why? Did I mention, his best friend Anthony also runs the channel? No? Well, he does.

Anthony is like a brother to me, now. Except unlike Ian, he's more distant. He only comes up to the apartment every Wednesday to check up on me and bring me food.

I barely talk to him, though. I can't handle even looking at him. Whenever I'd see Anthony, my sub-conscious mind would force me to ask, "Where's Ian?" And that would make me burst into a fresh set of tears.

Don't get me wrong, I love Anthony to bits. When we were younger, he and I would always prank Ian and mess with him. I just don't feel the brotherly love with Anthony that I always crave now.

But what happens if one little action changes my perspective of the boy I once called "Sidekick"? Will he be my new "Hero"?

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