Broken Promise

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      Reki's POV
Langa asked me to go to S but I just didn't feel like it. I wouldn't be noticed either way, so I just didn't see the point in going so I just made up a not-so original excuse but it'll do. "I have some errands I need to do so I can't go" I said. I watched as he looked down for a minute. "Okay" he finally said and after that, we parted ways.

Instead of going to my house to take a shower, and eat as usual, I ended up going to an outdoor skate park instead. Luckily no one was there so I got my skate board out, and tried doing some cool moves that Langa has mastered. This included the Caballerial(basically a fake ollie 360 kickflip and im sorry if i get things wrong here, im a beginner in skateboarding). I had a running start and then kicked it and the skateboard rotated like I imagined it would but then I lost my balance and slippped off landing full face into the concrete.

Ow I thought. As felt a trickle of blood down my nose. I'll have to bandage this up later, but right now what's important is to master this!

I tried and tried again but kept failing. What am I doing wrong?! I thought to myself. Langa mastered so much tricks over MONTHS and it took years for me to even do a grind! What's the difference?? I don't understand how he's so good...he only started a few months ago..the thoughts kept whirling into my head and before I realized it, i felt a tear trickling down.

"Ugh..I give up.." I finally said after trying a bunch of tricks and failing. For one my body ached all over. And for another it was raining and getting late. My face was covered with scrapes, cuts, an bruises aswell. I picked up my skateboard and headed home where I ran into the last person I wanted to meet at the moment. Langa.

I tried to turn back and go the other way even if there was no other way to get back home. I just wanted to stay out of his sight. But when I tried to leave, I heard him yelling my name. Ughh I groaned walking towards him. I felt horrible. I felt like trash that had been stepped on and blown away. "Uhm..hey Reki.." Langa said. I hesitated for a bit. "Do you..need something..?" I croaked. I was tired. I wanted to go to bed. I wanted to disappear. "Uhm...Adam came today..-" I flinched at the name. I didn't really want to hear about him after what he's done.

"You know I don't want to hear about him Langa..." I said sternly. He looked down, "I want to keep going up against Adam.." he said slowly. "What!?" I shrieked surprising both him and me by the tone of my voice. "You mean you're breaking my promise...?!" I continued. "I...I told you not to go up against him anymore..!" I said on the verge of tears.

"I-I know..but-" Langa tried to speak but I cut him off. "but nothing! Can't you see what he did to me?! Dont you know that I'm...worried for you..? I hushed down the last part a bit. I was dealing with too many emotions all at once, I couldn't handle it. All this time I though me and Langa were on the same lane..turns out I was fooled. Langa was ahead of me. I was nothing conpared to him. I never once thought..that the gap would be this big.

"Goddammit" I mumbled.. "whatever. Do what  you please..I don't care anymore.." I said dryly. I walked past him and tried to keep walking. Until I felt a surprisingly warm hand grasping my palm. "Wait!" Langa pleaded. I stopped. "There's a tournament coming up.." Langa said trying to explain. "And I wanna go up against Adam.." I turned around and was surprised by how close my face was to his. Maybe about 2-4 inches apart? Damn he looks gorgeous. Wait what the fuck Reki we're in the middle of an argument.

"You know the feeling right?" Langa asked. "The feeling of when someone you're about to go against is good, and you get all excited..right?" Langa repeated. I was shocked.
"E-excited..? What are you talking about...?" I asked him. "Going up against a guy like adam..." I continued. "I'm scared!! Where the hell do you get excitement from?!?" I yelled more or less aggressively.

Langa's face looked stunned and hurt..but I just couldn't take it. He was drifting further and further away from me..and I couldn't catch up. "Drop it.." I mumbled while walking away. "You and Adam are completely different from dont understand me.." I croaked tears streaming down my cheeks. "You and i...are no longer a match...langa..." I choked on my words and I kept walking further and further away. This time...he didn't stop me..and I think I wanted it to leave it at that.

Okay it was hard writing this cause it kept reminding me of the 7th episode-😭😭 And yes if you still didn't know, this fanfic is based on the 7th episode but with a lil bit of changes ofc.
Word count: 905 words
Chapter started: 10:21
Finished: 11:14 (woah it's 14 again lol)

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