Misunderstanding....or not?

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Reki's POV

It's now friday, and me and langa are still distant from eachother. It's not that im avoiding him or anything...I just....wanna stop talking to him...for a little while ya know??........is that even what I want? or am I just scared...? Thoughts kept drilling into my head and I didn't even realize langa had already arrived at the door. He walked in while looking down and he had this really sad and lonesome expression. It broke me seeing Langa like that. I hated seeing langa getting so hurt. But I just can't help it.

I faced the other way towards the window as he sat next to me. It's been really awkward the past few days sitting next to him. He tried to start conversations but i'd just keep replying with blunt and emotionless answers(for ex: "ok", "mhm"). He eventually stopped trying to talk but he'd still stare at me. Even if he looks away, I always manage to spot him staring at me, and even though we're not talking anymore, it was cute..wait isnt that being gay....oh fuck it.

The teacher was blabbing whatever teachers talk about but I didn't listen nor did I care at all. I looked out the window and stared into the blank field. "Reki, i'm sure you know what the answer is, why dont you tell us?" the teacher said. "i-i uhm 2-2....3?" I stuttered. The teacher sighed and the others snickered "pay attention" the teacher said sternly. "y-yes ma'am.." I finally said as there were even more snickers then the last time. The only one I cared about was langa's....he looked so happy for about 2 seconds..his laughter was like music to my ears. If I could just squeeze him right there...wait no- youre supposed to be mad at him reki! get yourself together! 

I looked back at the window as I saw langa's reflection. He was....staring at me..? No, no he was probably looking at the girl infront of me.....wait no that cant be right okay he's definitely staring at me..what do I do??  I shifted myself just a little bit hoping for langa to get the clue, but no luck. If i'm being honest here...I actually dont mind him looking at me. I looked at his reflection and the look he was giving me was so soft..it's like he was staring at something so fascinating and cool...he was giving that look where his eyes would sparkle..but i dont know what's so special about me. I was boring and lame. I was merely just a background friend compared to langa. 

I kept staring at his reflection as he stared back at me. His eyes shifted to what I was looking at. Our eyes met and for a fraction of a second I looked deeply into his eyes. Then I snapped back to what was going on. oh shit- he caught me staring! now i'll look like a weirdo! I panicked and quickly looked away. He did the same but it kinda looked like he was blushing. Gee reki, so much for an "angry" impression. I thought as I scolded myself in my head. 

After school I went back home. I didn't touch my skateboard ever since that day. I'm planning on throwing away all my tools and boards next week. I just can't skate anymore...at least not with him around. I walked by the place we usually meet to go to "S"...it gave me nostalgia. If only I were as good as langa...I thought as I looked up at the sky. The clouds were oddly grey and damp. Oh, god...it's going to be a huge thunderstorm...isnt it...I dreaded the thought of thunderstorms. I've always hated them. Ever since I was a child. My mom would always rub my back or cuddle with me to calm me down back then..but now not so much. I'm a teenager now! Get a grip reki! It's not like I was scared or anything...haha....i just get startled that's all. 

I ran the rest of the way back home and I quickly walked into the house. "welcome back reki!" mom said with a gleeful face. what's with her...? "Oh, yeah we ran out of futons, the last ones are in the wash right now, so you'll have to share your bed with your friend.....what was his name...? langa? yeah I hope you don't mind" she said casually while wiping the dishes. "HUH???" I said as I tried to process what she just told me in my head. "oh, dont worry, it'll be fine. he's only staying for the weekend right? I heard his mom's also going on a business trip for the weekend. The timing is just perfect isn't it" She grinned. "i....wh-wha...?" I tried to speak. "dont worry I know it's a bit embarrassing for 2 boys to share a bed, but it'll be fine. Your friends came here yesterday and told me about the sleep over" She finished as she smirked at me saying the last few parts. 

"Now, then, he'll be arriving soon. Go clean your room! I bet there's stuff everywhere!" She said and she shoo-ed me away. I went along with what she'd just said and when I entered and closed my door. I flopped onto my bed. W-WHAT?? WHEN DID I EVER SAY I WAS HAVING A SLEEPOVER?? AND WITH LANGA?? THE LANGA HASEGAWA??.....no way no way...this is a big misunderstanding....who couldve done it...? Thoughts kept racing through my head and it was starting to hurt. I decided to take a small nap for a while. maybe this was all just a dream.. I thought as I drifted off to sleep. 


AW RIGHT!! the fun part's bouta happen😈 dw it's just fluff. it'll be super awkward from now on though lmfaooo. I just came back from school a while ago and I drank milk tea with a croissant  because it's literally my fav combo and i rushed on my laptop and wrote. I know all the days you've been waiting so im tryna make it up rn. Today's is longer then usual idk why but whatever- WAIT MY DAD BROUGHT SOME SUSHI BYE 

Word Count: 1014

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