Unleash the new type of gay

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Reki's POV

"come along langa..you'll find better ways to learn skateboarding with me.." 

I heard a voice say.(it's adam 🙄) 

 "w-wait no! langa! wait up!" I tried running towards him but he just kept drifting away. I dont know where I am, or what i'm doing, but I don't wanna lose langa..he was my only friend. the only one that listened to me. I fell down on my knees and panted. "okay....reki's useless anyway.." I heard a voice say as I quipped up my head and refused to believe langa would say such a thing. But to my surprise, i saw the bluenette(ok but like I just found out this word existed like today and it reminded me of langa. yeah ok i get it im a retard) walking away with.....


 what in the world was langa doing with him? I know he knows what he did to me...so....why..??why why why why why??I kept repeating myself in my head as I looked down. I felt hot tears running down my cheeks, as I quietly sobbed to myself. Then all of a sudden I heard people's voices. 

"haha! what a lame-o!"


"you're nothing but a cheap loser that can do a few more things than an ollie!"


"go make your dumb skateboards!"

"that's the only thing that you can do!"

"langa's way better then you."

"why does he even hang out with you LOL?" 

Words kept repeating in my head as I pulled my hands up to my ears, attempting to shut up the people. I continued to sob even more and I, at this point, wanted to disappear. No one would care. Langa, my only friend, is ahead of me. I cant catch up. I've been....left behind.

..i want to die...i want to die i want to die.....i want to die....die die die. i want to DIE. DIE DIE. KILL ERASE. ESCAPE. DIE. BE GONE. DRIFT AWAY. DIE. 

I continued to hear the loud voices..and at this point I didnt even care.....tch..so loud..."shut up.." I mumbled. the noise remained. "shut up...SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!..." I shrieked, but no luck.."...leave me alone.......please...." I pleaded as I went back to sobbing.





I heard an oddly familiar voice shouting my name. I scrunched my nose as I smelled this faint perfume...a perfume only one person I know would wear. I blinked as I barely opened my eyes, but I opened it just wide enough to see a worried bluenette(omg i will never stop using this- i have no other way to describe him) touching my cheeks. I was shocked at first and I thought he broke in using my window but then I remembered the whole "sleepover" fiasco. "mhgggggn" I groaned as I flipped the other way. 

"hey! don't ignore me like that!" Langa pouted as he tried shaking me. "you were crying you know!" he said. 

That got my attention. did..he see me cry..? How much did I cry?? Agh, this is so embarrassing! "oh yeah? what about it" I answered bluntly like it was normal. "I was worried about you! duh!" Langa hissed as he crossed his arms with a sassy look. I flipped around to get a glance of his face. I had contact with his eyes and oh boy did he look so sexy what the fu-

He sighed as he got up. "we'll take more about this later. come on, your mom's making dinner" he said as he held out his hand. "hmph" I mumbled as I got up. "I'm not a kid. I can get up myself" I said as I wobbled my way up and walk towards the door. Langa snickered, "you look like a drunk" he said while walking out the door. I was about to kick him but he shut the door in my face. "HEY!" I yelled as I rubbed my forehead. I heard him laughing down the hallway. what a jerk.

well....I guess this is a start......although I'm still mad at him for breaking my promise.


Hayyy lovelies- HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY LOLOLOL. We had a foot race at our school and it was boys vs girls- obviously girls won but ig ill admit the boys there werent so....made for running. ANYWAYS- sorry for the short chapter i stayed up all night reading yaoi😩  This story sure is dragging out a whole lot, i should stop this habit of mine-

Word Count: 725

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