Nice-o! Idea!

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Langa POV:

What should I do?? I 'm not comfortable to stay by myself! and my mom's expecting for me to be at reki's! I cant go to reki's house, i'll be a huge bother! and especially since me and reki..arent in good terms right now.."aughhh" i groaned as I sat on the couch. My mom would probably be 23 minutes away right now...and I can't call her back. It's too late for that....what do i do..?? Actually, what I need to do right now, is take a shower. I stink I thought to myself as I chuckled.

I thought about different things. Ever since i've came here in Japan, it's really been the best days of my life..ever since my dad died. Me and my dad were really close to eachother, closer then i am with my mom. Then he had to- just die.... I got a bit teary just thinking about it. The only person that made me forget that..was Reki and reki himself. When we first met, it was like a spark that tickled my body. Then he introduced me to skateboarding, which I now really love after snowboarding. I kept thinking back to what we were doing and tried to find out where I went wrong...but I just couldnt see it. Am I a jerk for that?

I got out of the shower and went to my room. Jeez, she wasn't kidding when she said she packed my stuff.....if only me and reki had made up, i wouldnt mind sleeping at his so much... I thought as I picked up my stuff. [insert light bulb] "oh! i have an idea!" I said outloud. I quickly ran to the living to get my phone and pulled out my contacts. (Bold- Langa)


                                                                                                       Coming over rn, get ready :)

Silly me, this is the perfect chance to make up with reki! I could sleep over at his house, and then i'm sure we could talk about it! I thought as I raced back upstairs to my room to get my stuff. I took my skateboard with me since I'm staying for the weekends. I have to get there, and fast too. It's starting to look like it could rain for a while. I thought as I ran out of the house and rode on my skateboard. I had memorized the way to Reki's house just in case of an emergency. Hopefully things turn out the way I hope they would.

I had arrived just in the nick of time before it rained, and when I tell you it was raining hard- it was raining HARD HARD. I knocked on the door and someone opened it right after the last knock, as if someone was expecting me.... The door opened and there I saw reki's mom standing there smiling. "Hello again, Langa dear! I'm glad to see you again" She said with a big smile. "Yeah nice to see you too" I said. "Oh, Reki's upstairs in his room. God knows what that kid is doing..i give you full-permission to enter it though!" She smiled at me with a thumbs up. I nodded and and took off my shoes. so that's where reki gets his energy from..."we only have one bed" she whispered. "w-wha" I tried to speak "anyways! I'll make dinner in a few, you can go put your stuff up in his room, make yourself at home" She nudged me to go upstairs. "o-ok.." I mumbled. I'm starting to kind of regret this now..

I walked upstairs quietly and when I arrived at his door, I froze. What am I doing?? I can't do'll be so awkward...!! No, no you can do it! Just open the door...justopenthedoor..... I thought as I quickly opened to door just to be hit by a wave of relief because there, I found a red head crawled up on his bed fast asleep. omigod omigod he looks so adorable when he sleeps!! I screamed inside my head.

I went over to him and put my stuff down next to his bed. It's almost 7:00 I thought as I sat down next to where he was sleeping. "why are you so perfect..?" I whispered quietly as I softly touched his face. So warm like all the other days.... I thought to myself and smiled. I leaned down to get a closer look at his gorgeous face. He has bags under his eyes....I frowned as I looked at his other amazing features. His hair..his eyes..his cheeks...everything was so perfect about him.....his lips..I leaned down just a bit closer, I was only 4 centimeters away from his face. I could basically breathe his air right now. I looked at his soft kiss-able lips even more. They were so's as if theyre begging me to connect our lips together... I went even closer and closed my eyes......



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what a perfect way to end the chapter- lol get palm treed- BAHAHA :) now you'll have to wait for another chapter~~ i love myself rn. Actually, im gonna treat myself to some ice cream. Good luck guysss love yallll lolololololololololololol

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