🍵🌸Green haired father🌸🍵

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Third POV

"Do you think the plan's gonna work?" Joe asked as he poured some wine into his pink haired lover's glass. "Depends if one of them wants to make a move or not" Cherry replies as he thanked Joe. "It'd be great if they'd just make up already. They used to be inseparable." Joe said as he cotinued to pour some into his own glass. Cherry nods in agreement.

"You sure have gotten comfortable with Reki" Cherry spoke as he took a sip of the wine and smiled. "Huh? No way! Im just giving him advice on relationships! To prepare him for the future!" Joe remarked. "You're kind of like the father-figure you know?" Cherry continued. "Don't ignore me!" Joe whined.

"I just- want them to be happy, it sucks seeing a close friend of yours get crushed mentally or physically right?" He said as he looked down. "I dont..want them to end up in tears. All hurt and stuff, it sucks to see that." He continued as he sipped his wine. "Hey, this tastes better then expected-" He said then he realized cherry was staring at him with this soft expression. "What is it?" Joe asked. Cherry just shrugs, "you know you may seem big and bulky with a terrible personality, but I guess you have your soft side too" Cherry said casually.

"What's that supposed to mean four-eyes?!" Joe said as he stood up walking towards cherry. "It means that I realized your personality wasnt as garbage as I thought it was! Take it as a compliment! You hot gorilla.." Cherry said as he mumbled the last part. "What was that?!" Joe yelled. "At least I dont use a machine when I skate! I use my actual brain then a robot!" Joe smirked as he put his chin up. "You take that back!" Cherry said as he grabbed Joe by the collar.

"Stupid goblin! Why dont I ju-" Cherry shouted, but was cut off by a pair of soft lips from the other person. Joe pulled cherry into the kiss as he kept biting cherry's upper and lower lip. Cherry grabbed onto Joe's hair and chest and finally gave Joe permission. The green-haired male explored the other's mouth and kept sucking his tongue. Joe then moved on from kissing the lips to the cheekbone, his jaw, and then he made his way down the pink haired's neck.

"Mmm~ J-joe..~..not now..someone could walk in..." Cherry said shivering just feeling the warmth of Joe's tongue right on the base of his neck. Joe only grunted in response. He went deeper into his lower neck and started sucking cherry's neck. "H-hey! Dont just..mmH- suck m-my mgghh..~ neck all of a s-sudden..!" Cherry spoke as he reached out to get his rolled up newspaper. Joe was reaching out to cherry's backside and started taking off the his clothes slowly. "J-Joe! I- aghnn~! said n-not now" Cherry said patting Joe to give him a signal. "That's not my name." Was the only thing that Joe said as he kept sucking. "K-Kojiro..! Kojiro..mgHh~" Cherry finally said.

Joe finally stopped and looked at Cherry. The pink haired was a big mess, panting and sweating all over. "That wasn't fair you idiot." Cherry said as he smacked the other with the rolled up paper he had in his hand. Joe just laughed as he pecked cherry in the lips. "I love you Kouru" He said looking at him. Cherry looked back with soft eyes. "I love you too..Kojiro" he said as he gave Joe a final kiss.

The end

Sorry for the late upload, you wont BELIEVE what happened! My mom took my phone away from me and kept it charged in the living room, so I had to pretend to go to the bathroom and tip toe in there to swipe my phone back! It was hard too cause our floors decide to be super loud only at night😒

Anyways, you guys were wanting a small matcha blossom one-shot chaper...thing- right? So I gave it to you🤭😋 You dont have to thank me lololololol🤓🍌

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