The Walking dead lol (jk)

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Langa POV:

Okay..I definitely messed up when I explained it to him- I thought as I banged my head against the wall. "Langa you dumb shit! You couldve rephrased that without making it sound so weird! Ughhh he must think im a weirdo now." I said to myself as I rubbed my head. Just when it got a little bit better I had to ruin the moment. Ughhh i friken hate myself. I thought as I scolded myself.

"What am I supposed to do now.." i mumbled. It kinda hurted when he ran out if the room. I didnt know I was disgusting. I dont..know what it is hurts somewhere near my chest. Dang..ive got it bad..I thought as I headed towards the door. Maybe if I just stop talking for the rest of the day. I thought as I headed downstairs not making eye contact with Reki but smiling.

I sat down quietly and stopped smiling as I took my utensils and poked my food with it. It seems like something happened between reki and his mom. Im glad they made up I thought as I ate my food. I wonder what reki's going to do today... I thought as I continued to bite.

"Hey langa.." Reki said. I jumped at my name. I never thought he'd be the one to talk to me first. "Do you wanna maybe...go out to clear our minds..?" He said as he looked away. I was shocked at the thought. I hesitated for a moment. "Sure.." I said as I blushed. Going out on a walk with reki..?? Agh! Don't get it over your head langa! It's just a walk....just a walk..

After Breakfast

"Are you coming?" Reki asked as I walked to get my jacket. "U-uh! Yeah i'll be right out" I said as I quickly took my jacket and put it on. I walked towards the door. Deep breath langa..deep breath.. I told myself as I walked out the door. "Have fun~!" Reki's mom yelled out. She's been oddly happy this morning..i wonder what happened..

"There you are" Reki said. I jumped to his voice. "Jeez no need to get so startled, im not that scary.." he said bluntly. "Sorry- i just didnt see you there..and I kinda just- um..gotscarednandna" I fumbled my words and bit my tongue. Langa youre an idiot. "whatever, let's walk?" He said as he started. I trailed behind him.

"So..." I spoke. "Mind telling me why you've been avoiding me until this weekend?" I said as I glanced at him. He didn't say anything for a moment. "I'll tell you that when I feel like it.."
he said as he continued walking, but this time he was slightly faster. "okay...i understand." I said as I kept walking along with him. "have you....been making new decks..?" I asked him. He stiffened up but continued walking, " actually planning on throwing my supplies away next week." He said casually.

"W-what?!" I said as I stopped, but continued to catch up to him. He kept walking faster. "You can't do that!! You love skateboarding! You love making decks! Why...are you stopping??" I asked on and on. He had walked pretty fast so we already made it at the skate park. He didn't talk for a while. "Loved." He said as he stood there gazing at the bowls and equipment.

"I....loved skateboarding" he finished.

I just stood there suprised, confused, and hurt. "Why?? Reki? What's happening?" I questioned him. "Look. You're amazing at skateboarding, a skateboard genius like you wouldn't understand how I feel." He said as he turned around. "You're good at skateboarding to-" "dont give me that bullshit!" He shouted. "I can't do amazing tricks like you, im nothing like you. I can't learn as fast as you, I can't do anything like you!" He continued shouting. His voice was cracking and he was starting to tear up.

"You're so much more better then me, langa! Everyone loves you! Everyone notices you! Me? Pft. HAH im just "snow's best friend" he said as he out his hands up as quotation marks. "The only thing i can do is make stupid decks!" he continued. At this point he was shouting, shouting. "I'm not like you, so dont try to compare me to you! You dont understand me! No one understands me! You're much much better then me, i'm nothing compared to you. Ya hear me? NOTHING. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING." He shrieked as he panted from all the yelling.

Tears were starting to form on his cheeks. He tried to rub them away but they kept falling. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "What are you doing...!" He said as he tried to pry me off. "Let it all out reki..let it all out" he stopped trying after then and sobbed. If i'd known he was hurt this bad, I wouldve did this first thing..langa you big fat idiot!

After a few minutes I let go and held his face. Tears were still rolling down but he looked a bit better. Even when he's crying, he looked so beautiful, although others may not think so.
"Reki..." I started.

"You are enough.."

"So don't you dare let anyone say otherwise. You're amazing at skating. You really are. You don't realize how good you are at it." I said. "No im n-" "ah-ah! I dont wanna hear it! Dont you know without your help I wouldve never been able to make it this far? Without your amazing skateboard, I wouldn't be able to steer my skateboard like I do now! And who said you were a nobody? I'll go teach them a lesson." I said as I frowned at the thought. Who would say such a thing? I thought as I was furious to even think about it. " mean so much to me. I hate seeing you talk bad about yourself like this.."

"You're an amazing friend, youre kind and helpful..funny.." and cute I thought.

"N-no im not..youre over exagger-" he said as he rubbed his eyes but I cut him off. I held his face close to mine and connected our lips together. theyre soft like I imagined they would be.. I thought as I pulled away. Reki looked at me and blushed like crazy. "W-wha..." he stuttered as he fumbled with his words. "Reki, I like you- no, love you. And I want to be by your side at all times." I said holding his face close to mines.  He looked at me surprised but soon softened his eyes.

" you too...langa"  he said quietly.

"You're jacket's upside down by the way" he pointed at it.

so how was it? I feel like this fanfic was longer then I planned it to be- but oh well! This whole thing was a complete mess but eh.

Word Count: 1177

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