The fog has been cleared up

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Langa's POV:

"So..we're boyfriends now..right?" I asked as I turned around to look at reki. He laughed a little, "I would hope so" he said then kissing my cheek. I smiled as I continued walking with our hands intertwined. "You know..." I started. "I wonder who set us up that one day.." I finished as reki looked up thoughtfully. He humed, "well who ever they were, we should treat them. They fixed us" Reki said.

I looked at him. Reki's always been so pretty. His flaming red hair always burning brighter and brighter in the sun, his ember eyes shining when he sees something amazing, his face, his cheeks, his body, his lips. Everything was perfect about him. Haaa, langa you idiot why are you only realizing that now?

"Do you wanna just walk around the whole neighborhood today..?" I asked him out of curiosity. He looked up, and put on his "thinking-face" for a moment. I'd like to call it a yeti-closing it's eyes but reki would always pout. "Sure" he finally said.

We mostly talked about skating and stuff, but sometimes we would unintentionally flirt with eachother and then when we realize, we get super flustered. It's still so hard to grasp it all in. Me, Langa Hasegawa, dating Reki Kyan. How could I ask for more? I held his hand tighter as we kept walking along the curbs of the sidewalk.

After a while they went home, when they stepped in, Reki's mom instantly asked us where we were, and we replied with: "exercising". She looked at us with a suspicious face and then let us past. We walked into his room and I sat on his bed. "So...are you still going to quit skateboarding?" I asked. He stiffened up and froze. "...i dont know.." he said miserably. "I dont want to...but I'm not as good as you to be skateboarding" He said looking up at me.

"That's a ridiculous reason to quit Reki, i told you, you dont know how good you are at it. You really should give me the names of the people who said you were bad" I said as I frowned at him. Seriously though, I'll hit anyone that talks bad about reki. "Isn't there S tonight?" I asked. "Yea..what about it" he asked as he looked up. "You could just watch for today, and when it's over, then you can decide" I suggested. It took a minute but Reki nodded in agreement.

3rd POV(im narrating it btw😏)

That night, Reki and langa headed towards the abandoned mine, and saw a few people already there. Reki was wearing his green hoodie, and Langa was swearing his usual skating clothes. They found Cherry and Joe bickering in the back, "they never stop, do they" reki said looking at them with an im-so-done-with-this- expression. Langa laughed a bit, "it's their secret way of flirting" he said as he whispered.

They turned around and saw Miya and shadow pointing as us and talking. They skated towards them, "what're YOU laughing at ya neko wannabe" Reki hissed. "Oh, NOTHING. How's your relationship with langa" Miya replied with a smirk. How does he know about this? Reki thought as he began to blush. "You guys, are too obvious- i wanna seriously throw up"  Miya said as he rolled his eyes. "No we're not!" Reki rebuked. "See you just adnitted it" Miya responded back. "So were you the one that set us up???" Langa asked. Miya grinned at this an cackled. He didn't say anything after that. "I guess we know who the culprit is now.." Reki growled at miya.

Langa saw Cherry walking towards them. "My apologies in advance, but all of us were included in miya's 'plan' " He said as he looked at the two of us. "It looks like it turned out well though" Joe said as he skated towards us. Cherry scoffed, "you are NOT welcome here, humans only!", "Hah?! What about you four-eyes!"

"I am most definitely a human you ape!" He hissed. "Those two wont ever stop will they" Langa said as he sighed. Reki took a moment to look around, S was like his mini home, a place where he could do what he loved the most. skateboarding..he couldn't imagine living without it. He walked towards langa and grabbed his hand. "I made my decision...and I'm definitely not leaving" He said. Langa looked at him for a bit and smiled.

"I'm glad"


I am literally running out of IDEASS JSJSJSS I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be the last one, sorry for the late upload😭i was starting an anime called "high-rise invasion" or something like that. Anyways sa yo na ra

Word Count: 803

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