chapter 9

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-man look like shit-*izuku said before harvey punched him breaking his nose*-the names two face thanks to you!-*two face said angry izuku just laughs*-oh right that little box-*izuku said as he spit blood on two faces face making two face more angry as he cleans himself up*-its about time you pay up for what you did to us-*harvey said*-us?-*izuku said as The Abramovici Twins comes out of the shadow*

you look like shit-*izuku said before harvey punched him breaking his nose*-the names two face thanks to you!-*two face said angry izuku just laughs*-oh right that little box-*izuku said as he spit blood on two faces face making two face more angr...

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-...h..heh..hehe..heheheahahaHaHhahahhahahaHAHAHAHhahahaHAHAHA fuck my life-*izuku sais while laughing like a mad man tossing around the chair laughing Mr hammer gets closer about to hit him but two face stops him*-wait you work for me now we're doing things my way now then joker remember this?-*two face said as he takes out a coin*-remember this joker?-*two faces said visibly angry izuku chuckles*-h..hahahaha yeah the coin i put in the box along with hahahaha along with hahahaha along with h..heheh man i cant even say it without laughing!-*izuku said*- the acid bomb-*two face said as he hit izuku on the face*-man can't believe you we're dumb enough to open it-*izuku said as harvey hits him again before composing himself*-ok this is how this is gonna play out heads Mr hammer gets to hit you tails mr sickle gets to hit you lets start-*two face said before tossing the coin in the air and it lands on head* -ok Mr hammer go get him-*harvey said as Mr hammer came close enough izuku blows him a kiss smirking as hammer rams his hammer on his chest causing him to puke out blood and his dinner leaving a huge purple wound on his stomach and alot of broken ribs*-well that was fun lets see who goes next-* two face said as he flips his coin and it lands on tail*-well mister sickle come on up-*two face said as sickle came up amd impale his sickle on izuku's chest making him scream and laugh at the same time as he feels Mr  sickle take his sickle out izuku feels the blood coming out of his wound
The Abramovici Twins and two face we're surprise to say the least as izuku blood was a toxic green*

heheh man i cant even say it without laughing!-*izuku said*- the acid bomb-*two face said as he hit izuku on the face*-man can't believe you we're dumb enough to open it-*izuku said as harvey hits him again before composing himself*-ok this is how...

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- what's wrong never seen green blood before?-*izuku said laughing and breathing heavily in pain and it doesn't get any better for half and hour they beat izuku up his upper body with izuku laughing all the time*-enough mr hammer mr sickle you have a shipment of drugs to deliver ill finish this-*two face said as they left and two face takes out a white and green gun*-remember this clown? Im gonna kill you with the same gun you gave me-*two face said laughing izuku laughs with him two faces has enough of this and points the gun at izuku's face* -im sick of your act clown you don't have any special powers your gonna die here and you laugh look what you did to us what gives you the right?!-*harvey yelled angry taking out his white and green gun that was in the box*-im gonna kill you with the same gun you gave me any last words?-*two face said*-HAH! The right? Hahahaha Oh that's rich harvey coming from two rapist and one shitty lawyer that works on keeping bad guys out of jail h..ehehahaahahaha in cracking up over do you realize hoe pathetic you sound you want to know why i choose you to live instead of killing its because your nothing Harvey-*izuku laughing while harvey looked more pissed*-the name y two face-*two face said*-hush now haaaaaaarvey you know its true all it took was a little acid on the face and everything you stood for like not getting your hands dirty goes out the window and it turns out you we're just waiting for the chance to pretend to be one of the gangster you helped get out of jail so many times-*izuku said when he's interrupted by harvey-*shut up joker-*harvey said grinding his teeth *- let me say this in ways you'll understand nobody respects you does goons you hired don't respect you they like everyone else just tolerates you so you want to pull that trigger? Go on i dare ya-*izuku said without laughing making two face even more uncomfortable about to pull the trigger* thing to keep in mind i made you i gave you that face i gave you your coin i gave you that gun can you really be sure that i didn't see this coming to?-*izuku said before breaking free from his chair getting closer to two face making two face walk back*-maybe i made that gun shoot backward maybe it will give you a heart stopping shock-*izuku said dashing towards harvey and putting the gun on his own head*-or maybe just maybe I lies about everything made up all this bullshit and it will shoot one straight through my head you can shoot then all too say you had a change of heart and for once do something good-*izuku said while starting to laugh again*-what do ya thing?alot of options hope that little coin i gave you has enough sides h..heahahaha-*izuku finish laughing like a madman two face got mad and shot the gun only izuku was telling the truth it gave him a heart stopping shock and it was backward so he shot himself in the head izuku sighs*-pathetic now to find  The Abramovici -*izuku said as he left slowly feeling pain all over his body that's when they see each others endeavor and izuku both freeze but izuku is the first to run ignoring the huge amount of pain he was feeling right now and dodging the fireballs endeavor was throwing until he threw a huge wave of fire as i drop on the ocean i hear someone yell pudding*

To be continued

the villainous hero: joker Where stories live. Discover now