chapter 13

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Writers block is a bitch my mind been blank all goddamn week

Scene recovery girls office 3rd person

*we see recovery girl,mei and gran torino sitting next to the bed izuku it's been a week and quite alot has happened


*after shota calmed down we se him,police,the yagi's,gran torino,the todoroki's and the bakugo family together in nezu's office toshinori still beat up since recovery girl refused to heal him*-now im sure you are all wondering why I call you here?-*nezu said they all nod*-izuku yagi..was found-*nezu said everyone is shock no one more then the kids*!-*izumi yelled scared*-who cares my baby boy is back is he safe?!-*inko asked shota wanted to punch her put emi hold his hand to calm him down*-yes..we found him and we found some interesting things as well mis kurosaki you can come in now-*nezu said and orehime kurosaki came in making all might and inko worried*-hello everyone im orehime kurosaki other wise known as memory hero since my quirk allows me to see inside the memories of anyone I choose and share them with people-*orehime said now the yagi family and the todoroki and bakugo twins started to sweat*-now before i show you what orehime saw i must warn you it's disturbing-*nezu said all might stood up*-nezu sir i don't think that's..-*all might tried to say*-ait your ass down before i beat it again-*shota said dead serious all might sat down as orehime showed izuku memories*

*there they see izuku getting beating up by izumi the todoroki anf bakugo twins using him as a punching dummy the parents where disgusted by there children actions and also worried since izuku was laughing and crying*-how can he be laughing when he's being beating up?-*mitsuki asked scared like rei todoroki mitsuki bakugo was always kind towards izuku she was just to busy to see the pain her children was doing*-you see young izuku suffers from Pseudobulbar affect also known as PBA, or emotional incontinence, is a type of emotional disturbance characterized by uncontrollable episodes of crying, anger or other emotional displays for our izuku is laughter  PBA occurs secondary to a neurologic disorder or brain injury and giving what your seeing and what's next to come i believe is safe to say izuku has a brain injury and a a brain disorder of some sort-*nezu said sighing seeing the memories a second time was not easy giving him slight ptsd when he was a lab subject everyone kept watching as the abuse of izuku got worse izumi shoka and katsumi we're crying saying sorry over and over again shoto was looking down ashamed of what he did do his first ever friend*-oh hell no-*endeavor said grabbing shoto's hair and making him watch*-you did this boy your gonna watch every minute of it-*enji said pissed at his son and at himself*-your father is right son im so ashamed of you..-*reí said her relationship with enji improved thanks to joker but that's a flashback for another chapter as they continue to watch the scene change to inko and toshinori insulting him calling him all sorts of name the main one beinf freak because of the uncontrollable laughter this made torino mad no,mad can't describe the absolute rage he was feeling right no he was so pissed off he broke his cane just by holding it* are a dead man..-*torino said pure venom on his voice making all might sweat in fear then they see it izuku falling into the pool of toxic chemicals thanks to izumi and the todoroki and bakugo twins mitsuki left the room tears in her eyes hand on her mouth not being able to see any more*-your both in so much trouble..-*masura said ashamed of his kids katsumi still crying not being able to respond while bakugo had a look on his face that can't be described once they saw izuku get out of the chemicals and what he did do the security guard Mike Schmidt
They figured ot out* "izuku is joker" *they all thought shota was glad he was right and that emi won't say any jokes for a month toshinori his guilt was becoming heavier since he just punch izuku into a coma the voices of the former one for all users where screaming at him for what he did once orehime finished nezu looked at all might straight in the eye*-anything to say old friend?-*nezu said old friend with so much venom no one knew what animal he was but he did have teeth predator's teeth that he only showed when he was mad and he was so  mad right now*-um sir you see me and inko may not be the best parents..-*toshinori said sweating bullets*

- understatement of the fucking year we just saw what you both did and you think you can justify yourself?!-*shota screamed not being able to hols it anymore*-you neglected your son MY NEPHEW IS IN A COMA BECAUSE OF YOU!! And why? Because he was quirkless some he could not control!!-*shota screamed*-shota go and take a walk to calm down-*nezu said shota and emi aizawa left not before shota punched the wall causing it to crack nezu sighs and looks serious again*-now on to the kids izumi yagi, shoot and shoka todoroki, and katsuki and katsumi bakugo you all tormented bullied and tortured izuku you all realize i should be putting you on jail? That's how bad you all screwed up all i need to know is why-*nezu said no emotion on his voice*-w..well you see uncle..-*izumi tried to say*-no, I am not your uncle miss yagi you lost that privilege-*nezu said serious making izumi sad but nodded*-you see nezu we we're scared that izuku would die if he became a hero so one of us came up with the idea that if we use our quirks on izuku we could scare him into not becoming one-*izumi said looking down*-who's idea was it-*nezu asked*- katsuki bakugo-*shoto todoroki said looking down his father Enji  was still mad at shota but he was more mad at himself since it was hus fault his kid grew up like this*-i see then mister bakugo answer me this am i a hero?-*nezu asked*-duh-*katsuki said pissed shoto betrayed him so fast*-really? Why? I don't have any super strength or super speed i don't have any special ability except my intelligence that i got by being experimented on so I was also born quirkless-*nezu said remembering the awful things that he went through*-how about recovery girl is she a hero? Or shota both have quirks that are not suites for combat yet you see them as a hero hell shota aizawa fights villians basically quirkless yet you still see him as a hero you all should be ashamed for being so close minded izuku could have been a hero like shota or like me with training and what did you all do? You neglected him abuse him tormented him treated him no better then a lab rat in a cage-*nezu said getting up and walking out of his office*-i don't want to see you when i get back the yagi's, katsuki, katsumi bakugo and shoto ,shoka todoroki are banned from being anywhere near izuku until he wakes up and even then you'll be on thin ice you will also go to counseling every last one of you-*nezu said before leaving*

To be continued...

Should any of them deserve redemption should you'll find out next time hopefully i won't take so long

the villainous hero: joker Where stories live. Discover now