chapter 58

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Warning im skipping the exam and the student vs teachers fight since it adds nothing to my story but make the story longer and I've tortured my lovely readers enough

*it was thw day of the training camp everyone from 1-a had gotten to school earlier then normal since they were exited the only one who made it at the last minute was izuku he didn't give an excuse he just got on the bus ignored aizawa's attempt to try and have a conversation with him and sat next to kyoka who smiled a at him izuku smiled back*

Kyoka:so how you've been it's been like a month since I found you on the forest

Izuku:well my hand healed up recovery girl tried to give me a lecture put i just walked away after that me and tokoyami just hanged out for a while since we hace similar interest

Kyoka:you mean both being edgelords?

Izuku:oh haha...but yes

Kyoka:hows the family

Izuku:still wanting forgiveness but im nowhere near ready to forgive any of them maybe in the future but right now just no

Kyoka:good they don't deserve instant forgiveness speaking of family my mom just love little eri she was over the moon when i asked her to babysit eri while were on camp

Izuku:can't blame her eri a little ray of sunshine

Kyoka:heh tell me about it

*kyoka blushed slightly remembering all the times eri called her mom*

Izuku:how about you and the bitch with implants?

Kyoka:well momo's been ignoring me witch is good but glaring at me witch is bad i know she's gonna try something

Izuku:want me to make her beautiful?

Kyoka:no no.......yeah no

Izuku:ah but you considered it

Kyoka:not gonna say im not interested

*they both chuckled as kyoka rested her head on izuku shoulder they didn't talk much more just enjoyed the few moments of peace they got little did they know this trip will rip that peace apart*

*after a few hours they pulled up to the side of the road aizawa told them to stretch they all got out and saw a car approaching them it pulled up next to the bus the car opened and out came two of the 4 member of the wild wild pussycats*

Mandalay:hey eraser its been far too long

Aizawa:not long enough

Mandalay:so cold as always

Pixie:lock on with these sparkling gazes

Mandalay:stingingly cute and catlike

Pixie:we are the wild wild pussycats!

Izuku:who are a ripoff of josie an the pussycats

Pixie:hey were way better then them

Izuku:whatever you have to tell yourself rip off

*pixie growls at him*

Mandalay:anyway we own this entire stretch of land and over there is where your staying

*she pointed to the foot of the mountain a couple of miles away confusing the students*

Izumi:then why did we stop here?

*everyone thinking the same thing as the teacher and pro hero had an evil smirk on there faces*

Izuku:there gonna make us walk all the way there

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