chapter 20

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3rd person izuku perspective when he left with nezu

*we see izuku on the male changing room to put on his joker outfit he touches the sleeve and G izuku comes back sitting on the bench*- im gonna kill you and take over you-*G izuku said izuku turned around fast letting go of the sleeve and G izuku was gone izuku was breathing heavily*-he's not real he can't hurt me-*izuku mumbled to himself but he can hear G izuku laughing on the back of his head izuku shakes his head and chooses another outfit izuku goes outside and mei whisles*-my my puddin you look good-*mei said looking at izuku's new look*

*we see izuku on the male changing room to put on his joker outfit he touches the sleeve and G izuku comes back sitting on the bench*- im gonna kill you and take over you-*G izuku said izuku turned around fast letting go of the sleeve and G izuku ...

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-where..did you get that smoothie?-*nezu asked*-don't worry about it-*izuku said nezu was about to say something else but his phone rang he anwser and his mood change to a serious and scared one*-i..gotta go i have an.. Unexpected guess waiting for me in the monitor room so ill say this quick your both gonna fight the whole class fight to kill alright good luck-*nezu said before leaving izuku and mei alone mei took a drink of izuku smoothie while they walk*-so what's the plan mister J?-*mei asked*-project party-*izuku said smirking mei started giggling*

With class 1A 3rd person

*class 1A walking as a group for now they hear something they all go do the sound and what they see is shocking they see izuku mei and some robots...playing music with izuku as lead singer and mei on the guitar*

*izuku took there shock as an advantage and ran do them giving hanta sero a mean right hook knocking him out cold everyone wakes up and started attacking izuku while he started singing*

(Changing the writing style until the song is over to make it easier on me)

Izuku: This is your time to pay,* dodges yuuga aoyama's beam while running towards him hitting him in the gut taking the wind out of him*

Izuku:This is your judgement day,*tsuyu wraps her tongue around izuku's waist sending him to the air*

Izuku:We made a sacrifice,
And now we get to take your life*shoto shoots fire towards izuku izuku grabs a knife from his pocket and stabs tsuyu tongue making her let him go in the middle of the air while tsuyu collapses since the blade had a numbing agent made by mei*

Izuku;We shoot without a gun,*izuku crosses his hand and foot dives towards shoto*

Izuku:We'll take on anyone,*Landing right on his face making him fall on the ground making a small crater around his face*

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Izuku:We'll take on anyone,*
Landing right on his face making him fall on the ground making a small crater around his face*

Izuku:It's really nothing new,
It's just a thing we like to do.*izuku runs towards mina when mina uses her non corrosive acid to slide away but izuku uses it to slide faster towards her breaking her knee when he makes contact sending mina do the ground disqualified*

Izuku:You better get ready to die,*izuku gets up but its send do the wall when kirishima crashes into him with his quirk activated*

Izuku:You...*spits out blood* better get ready to kill,*izuku gets out of the wall and dodges dive bombing birds of kouta but it was a trap while izuku was distracted by that ojiro ran towards him and roundhouse kicked his face sending him do the ground ojiro used this to slap him with his tail*

Izuku:You better get ready to run,*izuku does a hand stand and flips himself to his feets but feels ochako slap hin hard on the face sending him flying*

Izuku:Cause here we come,
You better get ready to die!*Iida jumps of a building and kicking izuku in the gut with recipro burst sending him do the ground so fast it cancelled ochako's quirk and izuku was almost set on fire once he made contact  the ground a huge crater was created. Dust going everywhere they thought they won then they hear him*

Izuku:Your life is over now,
Your life is running out,*izuku jumped out of the smoke bleeding heavily and kicked kouta in the neck knocking him unconcience*

Izuku:When your time is at an end,
Then it's time to kill again,*izuku runs do iida, iida gets ready but izuku goes right towards ochako not having enough time to react izuku grabs her wrists and aplies pressure on then enough to snap them making her scream sending her out of the battle*

Izuku:We cut without a knife,
We live in black and white,*iida tries to kick izuku but izuku grabs iida's leg and makes iida fall izuku steps on the weakest part of the leg breaking it sending iida out*

Izuku:Your just a parasite,*izuku dodges punches from kirishima*

Izuku:Now close your eyes and say good-night.*when kirishima quirk gives up izuku finishes him in the most unmanly way a kick do the balls*

Izuku:You better get ready to die,*runs towards kyoka kyoka looks at him for a few seconds then her eyes widened in shock then starts crying out of nowhere izuku and her have history but that's a flashback for another chapter*

Izuku:You better get ready to kill,
You better get ready to run,*kaminari uses his ultimate move to try and electrocute izuku but izuku takes out his knife and trows it on kyoka's feet electrocuting her since metal atracts electricity*

Izuku:Cause here we come,*izuku saw satou eating a full small bag of sugar making him half as strong as all might at his prime izuku started laughing*

Izuku:You better get ready to die!*izuku ran towards satou and started hitting him over and over without break*

Izuku:Get ready to die!*sadly the hits did nothing satou grabs izuku right hand and started beating him up before sending him flying to the ground*

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Izuku:Get ready to die!*sadly the hits did nothing satou grabs izuku right hand and started beating him up before sending him flying to the ground*

Izuku:Get ready to die!*izuku gets up and sees satou coming for him for another punch everything was going slow motion for izuku until izuku ran towards satou hitting him on satou's neck breaking 3 fingers but knocking satou out by lack of air

Izuku:Get ready to die!*izuku gets up and sees satou coming for him for another punch everything was going slow motion for izuku until izuku ran towards satou hitting him on satou's neck breaking 3 fingers but knocking satou out by lack of air

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izuku smiles before falling on the ground the adrenaline finally running out all izuku felt was pain and he started laughing cause he liked the feeling of winning*

To be continued...

Next time mei vs the other half of the class

the villainous hero: joker Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora